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Read the Author's Note At The End Please!🥺🙏🏽I missed you all! Comment, Vote, and Share

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Read the Author's Note At The End Please!🥺🙏🏽
I missed you all!
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Natasha sighs as her car pulls in front of her older sister's house. Her brown eyes look around to take in the night surrounding her. She looks around taking in the sight of houses filled with families of her own, realizing she'll never have that. Afterward, she turns off her car as the overwhelming sense of anxiousness floods her bones. Natasha doesn't know how she'll be able to tell her sister. She's highly pissed that Rio is strong-arming her into keeping this fucking baby knowing damn well she isn't ready, at least not with him anymore.

A sudden sound of two knocks on her car window knocks her out of her thoughts as she jumps in her seat. Her scared frame turns towards a smiling Agent Turner, she places her hand on her chest in relief. Then she rolls her car window "Hello Natasha." he greets with a slight smile on his face. "Agent Turner you scared the crap out of me, I almost had a heart attack." Natasha breathes out as if she just ran fifteen miles, Turner then points towards her rapidly rising chest "Oh I can certainly tell." They both share an oddly calming silence before Turner breaks it with a whistle "So, where's that lovely boyfriend?" he asks smoothly, placing his hands in his pockets.

Natasha rolls her eyes in anger "We're no longer in a relationship." she announces as her mind races back to her previous thoughts of complex emotions. Turner's shapely eyebrows furrow in wonder "Why not? You seemed happy last time we spoke of him." Tears quickly gather in the younger Hill siblings' eyes as she looks at Turner sadly then confesses "He cheated on me." Turner wordlessly nods his head and then steps back from her car door before opening the door "Come on and give me a hug." He suggests feeling sad watching the sweet girl cry.

In his mind, even though Rio is a gangbanger and an all-around criminal. A woman as sweet as her doesn't deserve to be hurt, she genuinely seemed happy when she spoke of him last time so to see her in tears is disappointing. Natasha cries and gets sadder as he rubs her hair while she wraps her arms around him. "I thought I was enough but he wanted someone else. Some random ass white chick with no ass." cries her louder at the 'no as' part. Turner rocks her back and forth a little bit before "Her no ass won't feel his heart. Natasha, you'll find someone better, I promise. Even though I'm gay I can tell you're an amazing woman who deserves something better than him." Natasha cries softly moments later as she sniffles "Really?" she wonders out loud. Turner then pulls his head away from her so he can look her in the eyes "Absolutely" his thumbs simply wipe away her fallen tears as they reflect in the moonlight "He'll just have call 'Becky with the good hair" Natasha slowly nods as she repeats it to herself "thank you Agent Turner."

After Natasha is done randomly crying on Agent Turner's shoulder she makes her towards her sister's front door. Her boots softly clack on the concrete and up the small flight of stairs, she takes a calming deep breath before ringing the doorbell. A few moments later, Stan, her amazing brother-in-law greets her "Little sis, what brings you by? More food, well we ain't got none." He jokes as he opens the door wider. Natasha playfully shoves him "Anyways, where's my lovely big sister?" He points towards the kitchen and she nods wordlessly making her way to the kitchen.

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