waking up on the wrong side of the ground

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Nico Di Angelo woke up with a pounding head ache, while also being freezing cold. He'd woken up cold a lot lately as him and Will made up pretty much any excuse to sleep in the same bed so they could cuddle. This was a different kind of cold though. Like freezing.
He realized he was laying face first on the ground. He quickly got up and tried to dust of the grime covering his front. He looked around to see he was in an alleyway. How did he get here?

He walked cautiously and looked out of the alley to see a few people walking. He didn't see a lot of people but he did see a lot of perms, psychedelic patterns, and very flaired pants.
What the hell did the gods do to him this time?

He walked out, trying to blend in. The most out of place thing about his wardrobe were the skinny jeans. He walked by a rack filled with news papers and he looked through them, hoping they would tell him where he was.
He found out when he was through. 1977. Specifically April 1st 1977. Ok, whatever god sent him back in time was certainly an asshole.

He noticed something on his wrist, he wondered how he couldn't have noticed it before of how bedazzled it was. It was a wrist watch type of thing. It was golden and had a small heart print over it. It also had a small key hole. He tried to take it off but it just wouldn't budge. Aphrodite. Damn her.

He was glad his jacket was able to cover because it clashed with everything he was wearing. He tried to turn it. He could turn it, but not slide it off. He saw 4 names written so delicately on the back.
Nico Di Angelo
William Solace
Perseus Jackson
Annabeth Chase.
He didn't know for sure, but Nico had a pretty good idea of what the names meant. He wasn't the only one sent back in time. One name in particular made him worry. Will. He's here.

Despite how much his heart ached whenever he thought about him, he still loved Will. He loved him overwhelmingly. Not in a fleeting adolescent crush, not in a short on and of again teenage relationship.
Nico loved everything about Will. Even his flaws. They had both tried to hard to make their relationship work for nearly 5 years now. And a few stupid words ruined it.
No, they weren't stupid. Nico said them for a reason. Nico wasn't in the wrong. No matter how much he thought so at times.

But the wasn't the time for that. He needed to find the others and make sure they were ok. And then get the hell out the 70s. He walked through the town shouting their names. Yeah he got a lot of stares but he would hopefully never see these people again after this he found the others.
He also remembered that his shirt said 'gay ghost king', it was a shirt Hazel had made for him, and quickly zipped his jacket to hide that. He was lived in the 2000s, where he was kind of excepted. He had lived in the 30s, where his sexuality was still persecuted in some parts of Europe.

He knew that the late 70s would be a middle ground, but not a good one.
"Hello ma'am?" He asked a homeless girl who was sitting on the side of the road. She looked to be a teenager with obvious Asian roots, she had shoulder length black hair and clothes that were fit worse then Nico's did when he was 11 and homeless.
"Um, I'm looking for my friends. Have you seen them?" He asked.

"How am I supposed to know, silly? What to do they look like?" She crossed her arms and stood up.
"One girl, she has shoulder length blond curly hair. Not like perm curly. And she had grey eyes that are, admittedly, very intimidating. Around 5'7-5'8" She nodded as he spoke to show she was listening.

"One guy, really tall. He has curly blond hair, blue eyes, tan-" Nico made sure to keep his description of Will quick. He knew he'd end up going on a rant if he didn't stop himself
"And a guy whose like, average height, black hair. Greenish blue eyes, can go from the least intimidating guy ever to incredibly intimidating"

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