Course Darlin'

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Will Solace woke up- you get the point by now. He woke up somewhere in a small town in Tennessee in 1977. Although, unlike the others, he had the bag he was carrying with him before he fell asleep.

The first thing he did was take a breath to calm himself down. Will was usually a pretty calm person.  (unless there's a war going on or something) He has been described by his own boyfriend as cat-like.

Er, ex-boyfriend. He hated that word. Both of them did. They both hated that they had to use it now. They both blamed themselves slightly. But Will wanted to talk to Nico about. But he wasn't really ready yet.

He was undecided on what he wanted to say. Whether he really meant what he said the day it ended. If he was ready it.

When Will noticed the same bracelet as the others had, he groaned.

"Seriously!" He shouted, looking up at the sky. He it wasn't an angry shout, he was more-or-less trying to get the gods' attention. He had a feeling at least someone was staring at him.

"Actually you know what, been a few years since you guys fucked something up. I should have been expecting this" Will lowered his voice to a slightly loud talking voice.

"There's like 50 campers who've never been on a quest and yet this is like Nico's 8th. You guys can't give him a break?" Will rolled his eyes before he continued walked as if he wasn't just yelling up at the sky.

He spent a lot if the day thinking.

He was walking down the sidewalk when he felt something crash into him.

"Sorry man!" He heard a prepubescent boy say. He sat and to see that this kid had crashed into him on his bike. He saw the kid was fine, elbow patches and all, but Will was pretty scratched up. Didn't keep it from stinging really bad.

It was fine really, just some bleeding on his hands and arms and a crepe on his knee. Nothing his healing magic couldn't fix in a couple seconds.

"Sorry! I didn't see you" the boy said as he tried to help Will up. Though, considering the boy's small size, it was futile. When he and Nico had first started dating when they were 15, Will was nearly 6 feet tall and had expected to stop growing.


Apparently, some Apollo kids get a super weird tall gene.
So at 18, Will Solace was a solid 6'4. Meanwhile Nico was still 5'6.

This was likely from Nico being malnourished for so many of his adolescent years. Not really something you can bounce back from easily. Also considering the average height for an Italian man in the 1930s would already be shorter.

At first Nico was annoyed by the height difference but over the years grew a fondness for it. Despite how he tried to avoice physical touch in his younger years, Nico was a fan of it. With the height difference Will could carry him no problem, princess style, over the shoulder, piggyback ride, you name it.

Nico could be just sitting on Wills back for a few hours and no one at camp would question it anymore. Nico also liked stealing clothes from Will and the way his shirts would hang so long on him they could be a short dress if it wasn't for low insanely loose they were on him was fun for a lazy day.

Will shook his head, trying not to think about because it made him sad. How had his brain gone on a whole tirade in just a few seconds? But none the less, it reminded him of what he had lost and, despite his optimistic attitude, was scared he would never get back.

You don't date someone for 3 years and consider them the love you your life, then not get upset when that relationship in on thin ice.

"You ok?"

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