Percy loiters around town

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Percy woke up near a lake. How fitting. He woke up with a sore neck and shoulder. He had slept on the ground before and he absolutely hated it.

He quickly stood up and looked at his surroundings. He saw a town very close by and not a lot of people. He looked down at himself to make sure it was him and he wasn't dreaming about being someone else. It was him. But he did see a very sparkly bracelet. With a key whole on the back. And 4 names.
Perseus Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
William Solace

The gods messed with Percy enough for him to recognize their dirty work. From the design of the bracelet, he guessed it was Aphrodite. Almost everyone who was connected to the gods knew that Aphrodite's favorite couple in recent years was Nico and Will. It was inevitable for her to get involved after their breakup.
Percy still had no clue as to why they broke up. He just knew that if Will hurt Nico then he would have a lot of people on his bad side. Including multiple gods and extremely dangerous demigods.
Though Percy doubted Will would have done anything wrong to Nico. Will loved him unconditionally and cared a lot about him.

Pushing his curiosity to the side, he started walking towards the town. Hopefully there would be someone there who could help him and he could find the others.
He assumed the names on the bracelet were the people here with him. It took him about 30 minutes to get to the town but when he did he realized that he had probably been sent back in time.

It's kind of depressing that that didn't surprise him.
The gods have wiped his memories and put him across the country before. What's a little time travel?
He came to the conclusion from the people around him. His mom had loved older movies, specifically ones from the 70s and 80s.
And the clothes around definitely looked like they were from that time period. Not even mentioning the car's.

"Hello, ma'am, do you know what year it is?" Percy asked a women he walked by.

"Its 1977" she said, giving him a confused look.

"Thank you!" He said before running in the other direction.

Percy looked through his pockets for drachma coins. Thankfully, he found one. He contemplated using it for a moment.
He decided to use it to iris message Aphrodite. She seemed to be the one behind this, and she might help him find Nico. He found a water fountain in an eating area that wasn't quite a park. He flipped the coin and the goddess of love appeared.

"Hello Percy! To what do I owe the honor of you calling me. How long has it been since we last talked? Years-"

"Aphrodite. I'm pretty sure you're the one who sent us back in time. Could you help me out a little bit. And what's with the wrist band?" He interrupted. Interrupting the gods would have never been an option in his mind the first time he met Aphrodite. But now he had very few fucks to give.
"Oh alright. Yes it was me, you should know why"
"Yes... I do. Nico and Will, you want them back together, but I don't see how this" Percy gestured around him "Is going to do that".

"Being in a situation like this, they'll be worried sick about the other and then they'll realize how much they care about each other. To be honest their break up was one of the stupidest I'd seen in a long time" she said as she put lipstick on her bottom lip.
"What do you mean- no! Nope! It's none of my business. They'll tell me what happened on their own terms!" Percy said more to himself then to her.

"And about the wrist band. Each of you have one, and it can only be taken of by a key, the 4 keys are scattered around this town and can only be seen by you 4. Oh and also. You can't unlock your own. After yours is unlocked you have 10 seconds before you go back to the present . You unlock Annabeths, she unlocks yours, same goes for Nico and Will." She explained as she followed the bottom her eyelid with eyeliner.
"Simple enough. The rest are in this town right?"

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