4. Announcement

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Harry had agreed it was time to announce the arrival of our baby and he wanted to do it through Instagram seeing as he only had 140 characters on Twitter. He decided to post his favourite picture of Emilia yawning swaddled in her little blanket that was taken only a few minutes after she was born.

harrystyles I'm so pleased to announce that Emilia-Anne Rose Styles arrived on October 27th. She was 6lb 2oz. @yourinstagram and I are so happy that we're finally able to hold our daughter in our arms. My beautiful wife was a trooper throughout the labour and I can't thank her enough. She's given me the most beautiful, perfect daughter I could ever imagine. She's so tiny I can't believe she's ours, but it feels amazing to be a daddy. I hope you can respect our privacy at this time. All the love .x

Baby Series (Harry Styles) // Book 3Where stories live. Discover now