14. Crawling

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You had Emilia laying on her playmat, rolling around while you were laying on the sofa texting Harry who was currently at some interview. 

Harry: How are you both doing? xx

You: [Picture Message] We're good. Emilia's having a ball on her playmats you bought her. She loves it. Xxx

You sent Harry a picture of Emilia laughing while rolling around. 

Harry: She looks beautiful. She's still so tiny but she's nine months. God I can't believe it. The guys said give her a kiss from them. They miss her .xx

You: Tell them to come around after the interview. Emilia misses her uncles too. Xxx

You looked up and noticed Emilia was on all fours and for a second you thought she was about to crawl but she fell and laughed at herself which caused you to chuckle.

Harry: They're coming round. I miss you. We're almost done, I'll be home in 20 minutes tops .xxx

You: [Picture Message] I think she's trying to crawl, I'm not 100% sure. It's cute anyway. Xxx

You sent a picture of Emilia on all fours with her face scrunched up in concentration.

Harry: God she's adorable. Have your camera ready incase I miss it. I'm leaving now. Xxx

You: She just keeps falling so far, she's determined though. You better hurry. She isn't giving up until she gets it, haha! Xxx

Harry arrived home before she crawled. The boys trailing behind him. 

"There's my favorite niece," Louis said excitedly and you and Harry laughed.

"She's your only niece Tomlinson," he nodded.

"Exactly Styles, therefore, she's my favourite," you laughed and Harry came to sit beside you kissing you. The boys all sat around Emilia, but at a fair distance away to try and get her to crawl to her 'favorite' uncle.

"She loves you all, she clearly can't choose," you said as she kept spinning around trying to choose which direction to go in.

She got on all fours again and slowly but surely started to move her arms and legs and was soon slowly crawling. Harry thankfully had his camera rolling because you were too proud and taken away with the action unfurling in front of you.

She started going towards Louis and he looked at the other boys smugly, but at the last minute she changed her mind and went towards Zayn where he took her in his arms and smiled at the 9 month old baby.

"Well done Emilia," he smiled and praised the baby, whether it was for crawling or choosing him as the favourite uncle, you weren't sure.

Baby Series (Harry Styles) // Book 3Where stories live. Discover now