5. Bringing The Baby Home

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Dr. Reynolds was currently examining Emilia to make sure she was ready to go home. You were hoping she would be, you just wanted to get her settled into her home after waiting for so long. You were dressed and had done a little makeup to leave and Harry was dressed.

When the doctor appeared with Emilia in her arms she nodded. "She's absolutely perfect guys. You'll be pleased to know there are no problems whatsoever," she said as she passed you the baby. " I will say wait until the bleeding stops before you try intercourse again. Even at that, you may not even feel like it and please don't feel like there's something wrong with you. It's completely normal. And you're breastfeeding so the hormone called prolactin can reduce your desire to have sex. So Harry, don't take any offence if you make a move and she turns you down. Take as long as you need in here and then just sign your release papers at the front desk. Congratulations again."

You changed Emilia into her going home outfit and then clipped her into the car seat that Harry had brought in from the car.

"Ready to go home Emilia?" Harry asked softly and you smiled. Harry took hold of the car seat and put his other hand into yours and you walked along the hallway to sign the release papers.

When you stepped foot out of the hospital thankfully there were no press to take pictures so it was stress free. You sat in the back with Emilia and Harry drove.

In twenty minutes, you were finally home. And it was a whole different story. The paps were everywhere and you were glad it was a gated house.

Harry made his way around the car to help you out and then he got Emilia out making sure to face her away from the cameras and handed you the keys. You took them off of him and opened the door, keying in the code for the alarm and walking in. "Welcome Home Emilia," Harry whispered and then you started making your way to the kitchen for a cup of decaf since you were off caffeine with breastfeeding.

You spent a few hours cuddled up with Harry and Emilia on the sofa before you start to feel the sleepless nights catch up with you.

"Will you be ok with her? I just really want our bed back right now. I'm shattered," he nodded and kissed your head.

"Go have a nap baby. I'm so proud of you for these last couple of days. You deserve it," you stood up and kissed him lightly, kissed the baby in his arms, then walked upstairs to Harry and your bedroom.

When you lay on the bed and cocooned yourself in the cosy, luxurious duvet, you feel asleep instantly.

It felt like you had been sleeping for a few minutes when a baby's screams woke you up. You felt bad making Harry do all of it so you went to get out of bed when the door opened.

"Stay in bed. She needs fed though. Sorry baby," you shook your head taking the newborn from his arms and then you noticed he was shirtless.

"Why are you shirtless?" He smiled.

"We were having daddy-daughter time. The doctor said lay her with only her nappy on, on our bare chests and it will create a better bond with her," you smiled down at the baby in your arms.

"We can do this can't we?" You whispered and Harry put his arm around you.

"Of course we can."

Baby Series (Harry Styles) // Book 3Where stories live. Discover now