A Real Goodbye

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Delaney's POV:

As I continue to try and scream out for help. I'm pulled into a dressing room. My attacker's other, that isn't on my mouth, covers my mouth as I finally hit the dressing room door.

The attacker's hand removes my mouth and eyes, to reveal someone I was not expecting.

It was Blondie, in a disguise. As soon as I realize who it is. I punch the hell out of his shoulder.

"Ouch! What the hell Del?" He questions and grabbing his shoulder. "Why the hell did you come? Your supposed to be gone." I say, while trying not to meet his eyes because I'm afraid that it might show how I didn't want him to leave.

"Love, I know I am suppose to be gone. But I had to see your beautiful face awake, before I left the country." He replies, and lifts my head up with his thumb, so I'm meeting his gorgeous blue orbs.

Next thing I know, he leans down and kisses me. It was just soft, and delicate, and intimate. It was like he didn't want me to break. I didn't want it to end.

Next thing I realize is, I''ve left Dylan, Ryan and Anna alone. "When will I see you again?" I question, as we don't break our space.

"Soon, I will make ways for us to see each other. Outside of face time and photos. I pinky promise that we will see each other again." he finish as we cross our fingers to signify our promise.

I'm not to sure what I'm getting myself into, but I can't believe he is having a slight effect on me, and we hardly know each other.

Yay another update!!! Its finally a proper goodbye. Please keep voting, commenting, and reading.

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