TK has a panic attack

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The reason this is done is because it's only a short story, only 1 page long. These will be so much faster to get out then all my Lion Guard ones. If you guys don't like Lone Star, well tough shit, because this is the only thing that will be updated for now. Weather you like it or not, this is being updated not TLG ones. Why? Because it takes too much time to come up  with a chapter, figuring out how it's going to play out in the next chapter. AND I need my daily dose of 9-1-1 Lone Star fanfics. Which could be like 20 a day sooooo. Honestly, scream at me in the comments all you want about not updating any TLG fanfics, it won't make it come any faster if it does come. For now, all I want to do is write 9-1-1 Lone Star fanfics. Because TK is my little baby! Tarlos for life! Fuckin love the series soooooo 

TK and Mateo were having a laugh about whatever it was when the bell rang. "There's a kid hurt on Shell Creek Avenue!" TK heard his father, the captain of the team inform them as they got ready to go.

They arrived at the scene. "What happened?" Owen asked. "Kid O'Died while his parents were downstairs. "TK instantly froze, he got flashbacks of in New York when he relapsed. The look on his father's face when he was brought back, the fear he and his father felt. His breathing became fast. "TK? TK?" Voices asked, they were echoey. TK put his hand on the table beside him still breathing way too fast. "Everyone! Go help the kid!" Owen instructed. Only Owen TK and Judd knew what was going on with TK, the rest didn't. Tears were in TK's eyes when Owen stood in front of him. "Hey, hey, hey, shhh." He said pulling his son towards him. "Breathe with me, TK." TK was still too deep in panic to do what his father said. "Tyler, come on. Breathe with me." TK's breathing slowed after a few minutes. "Dad!" TK said with a broken voice, tears in his eyes, and gripping his uniform hugging him tightly. "I gotcha, I gotcha." "I can still, still see, see-" "Shhh." Owen cut him off rubbing his back with his hand. "Come on, kid. Breathe!" He heard Michelle say, which caused him to whimper. "Come on, let's get some air." Owen said leading TK outside. Owen and TK sat on the step, TK still hugging him, tears flooding down his cheeks. "It's ok, it's alright. I'm here. I'm here." He whispered, trying to soothe TK. 

Judd looked out the houses' window. He saw TK's shoulders move up and down, clutching onto Owen as if he would die if he let him go. "Just give 'em a few more minutes." Judd said. "Judd, you know what's goin' on?" Marjon asked. "Yeah, but it's not my place to tell ya." "Wait, wait. TK freaked out when Michelle mentioned the kid O'Ding. Fuck. TK....he's done that before. Hasn't he?" Judd nodded staring at his feet. "Fuck. Poor TK. What is he like?" Marjon asked going to the window, but Judd stopped her. "I don't think he'd appreciate us staring at him while he has a panic attack." "Yeah, you're right." 

Judd spoke over the radio. "Cap, TK, the kid's okay." "Roger that, Judd." Owen replied into the radio. "He's okay, TK. He's okay." After hearing that and Owen still hugging him, after about five minutes he calmed down. "You all right?" Owen asked. "No." TK replied. "But after a while I will be." TK gave a deep shaky sigh. "You ready to go?" Owen asked. All TK could manage to give was a nod. "Team 126, time to move out." Owen spoke into the radio. The team didn't look at TK as he was visibly still shaken up. "Cap, want to swap seats for the way back?" Judd asked. "Please, Judd." Judd made his way to the front, while Owen got in then TK next to him. TK took his father's hand and squeezed it, trying to get as much comfort as he possibly could.  Owen and TK took off their headsets. "It's okay, baby. The kid's okay, you're okay." Owen whispered into his son's ear. Not a single word was said amongst the team. Not on the way back, not even when they got to the station. Just dead silence. Everyone went into the kitchen, leaving the father and son alone. "Go upstairs to the bunks, take the rest of the shift off." Owen whispered. "I can't, the team-" "Need you at your best. TK, that call was highly traumatic for you, and a little bit for me. But TK, you had a panic attack, you're still shaken up." "No. No, I'm not." TK said trying to hide it. "TK, you know you are. Just go up to the bunks. You don't even have to sleep, just go on your phone or listen to music, please just don't work the rest of the shift." "Fine." TK said and made his way upstairs.

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