Mom comes to visit

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I know in season 2 TK's mom is good and everything and still deeply cares about him, but this was in my head for a while so I thought why not write it.

The team had just come back from a call to see Gwyn, Owen's ex and TK's mother. TK was talking to Mateo aka Probie, when he saw her. He froze. "TK?" Owen asked once he saw his child frozen. "Gwyn...." He greeted not too happy. "No 'hello, Mom' TK?" Tears formed in TK's eyes as he ran upstairs to the bunks. "Tyler!" "Gwyn, let him be. He has every right to run from you after what you told him when he was fifteen. What the fuck are you even doing here?" "First off, rude. Second, I came to build a relationship with my son." "He's way past that. What you told him eleven years ago, the effect is still there. He and I can't forgive that."

"TK, what's wrong?" The team asked gathering around. "My Mom is downstairs. That's what's wrong." "What?" Marjon asked confused. "When I was fifteen, I came out to her. She told me that I deserved to rot in hell for it. Dad came home to her screaming at me in my room, I was hyperventilating, having a panic attack, crying my eyes out while I was holding onto this for dear life." TK said taking something out from under his bed. "Dad got me this after I came out to him when I was twelve. I was unsure that he would accept me for it, but he told me he would always love me. And this cheetah, Cubby was a sign that he would always love me and be there for me. And to comfort me when I needed it. I remember being there in the kitchen." TK said his voice cracking as tears came to his eyes.

"Just listen." Owen whispered. 

11 years ago.

"Mom?" "What, TK?" "I need to tell you something." "Finish your sandwich first." After he had done so he took a deep breath. "Mom....I...I'm gay." "No, you are not Tyler Kennedy. You're a child, how could you possibly know?" "I've known since I was twelve." TK admitted. "No, Tyler. You can NOT be gay. I raised you to be a perfectly NORMAL boy." That stung. TK ran up to his room. "TYLER KENNEDY STRAND, COME DOWN HERE NOW!" TK grabbed Cubby, rubbing his fur, he whispered into the cheetah's ear, "Come home soon, Dad. Please!" His bedroom door swung open. "Give me the toy, Tyler!" "No!" TK fought back with tears and was hyperventilating. "Dad  got me him when I came out to him!" "But you've had that since you were twelve!" Gwyn gasped. "Your father's supporting you on this, isn't he?!" TK said nothing clutching onto his cheetah, crying and having a panic attack. "You and your father both deserve to rot in hell!!" Suddenly the front door opened. "Daddy!" TK screamed through his tears. Owen dropped his gear and ran upstairs, to find Gwyn shouting at her son and slapped his cheek. Owen pushed her back and stood protectively in front of his fifteen year old, who was sitting on the floor crying. "What the fuck are you doing, Gwyn??!" "My son is GAY!"  "So what if he is Gwyn?! It's our job to support him! He is OUR child!" "No child of mine is going to be gay!" Gwyn said going out of TK's room and into her own, grabbing clothes and belongings. "I will NOT be around a child that's gay! I HATE you Tyler Kennedy!" 


By now TK was well in bits, the team and Owen too. "What if she's right? What if I do deserve to rot in hell?" "TK, you listen to us." Marjon said. "No one gives a fuck about what she said, because it's not true." "If she doesn't like that her baby is  gay, fuck her. I know from experience, and so do you. There's people out there like that." Paul said. "I know, but I never expected......her to be one of them."

11 years ago

Owen bent down the minute the door was slammed. "Daddy!" TK cried scooting over to him. Owen quickly pulled his son towards his chest. He held  his shaking and crying son close, running one of his hand through his hair and saying some comforting words. After a while he had calmed down. "Why, Dad? Why couldn't she accept me?" "Shhh, it's ok." Owen whispered still hugging him. "She didn't accept you, that's on her. No matter who you are, who you like or don't like, I will always love you. That's a promise, baby. I'll always love you." "Thank you, Daddy." TK said crying into him.


"That's when I first took drugs. She doesn't know that she's the reason I did. She always blamed it on Dad. I remember going out getting them, going back up to my room and taking them. Just to get the pain of what my Mom said away. I remember getting sweaty, my legs going weak, getting a pounding headache. It getting harder to breathe.....all this just because she couldn't love me for who I am." Mateo and Marjon squeezed his shoulders comfortingly. "I remember hearing Dad shout my name coming up the stairs, he was standing in the doorway then I blacked out.

11 years ago

"TK! TK! No, no, no, no, no, no! TK please!" "9-1-1 what is your emergency?" "Grace, it's Strand." "What can I do for you, sir?" "TK is after taking drugs, I need an ambulance, now!" "On its way Mr. Strand. Is he out?" She asked trying to hide her panic but failed. "I came upstairs when I heard a bang, he just passed out two minutes ago!" Owen heard the sirens. "He'll be ok, sir." "Thank you so much Grace. Thank you." Owen thanked with tears.

TK slowly woke, to see his father holding his hand with tears it looked like he was in hospital. "Dad?" He asked his voice hoarse. "TK!" Owen said giving him a kiss on the forehead. "W-what happened?" "You took drugs." "Oh shit, Dad I'm sorry!" TK cried. "It's ok, it's ok, you're ok, that's all that matters." "I...I just wanted to get rid of the pain from what Mom said." TK said with tears. "I know, I know. But next time talk to me. You could have killed yourself. I'm not ready for that, and neither are you." Owen said gently stroking his forehead. "I'm sorry!" "Shhh, it's ok. But you need some rest, you're body needs it. Go to sleep, son." "Dad." TK said kind of worried. "I'm not leaving you, TK. I'm gonna be right here, all night. Here." Owen said taking something out of his bag. "You brought Cubby?" "Thought you might want him." Owen said handing him the cheetah. TK held him close and rubbed his fur. TK took his Dad's hand and squeezed it. Owen stroked TK's forehead with his other hand. "Get some sleep, you need it." TK closed his eyes, cuddling his cheetah and holding his Dad's hand.


"Mom is the reason I took drugs. She is the reason that I tried them in the first place, nearly dying when I was fifteen, all because I wanted her to know who I was. She's not my mother, never has been since that day. I....I can't even look at her without that day coming back. Nearly dying, because of her! Scaring the shit out of Dad, because of her! Winding up in hospital, because of her! And after hearing the stories of fifteen year olds, who took drugs, I vowed not to do it, but she caused me to! I don't want her in my life! All she has ever brought me was pain and misery! That can't be forgiven. It can't."

Gwyn looked down sadly. "I never knew that's how he felt." She whispered to Owen. "Well now you do. He can't forgive you, neither can I. That child wound up in hospital after taking drugs, because of you." Owen said pointing at her. "All because you didn't want a gay son. He felt unloved by you. He still does. He doesn't even think of you as a mother. I think it's time you left, Gwyn. TK has already been through too much. If he sees you here still after telling the whole team that, it's shutdown mode, then relapse mode. Because of you, so just go." Gwyn left and Owen walked upstairs.

 "Is she gone?" TK asked quietly with tears. "She's gone." Owen replied walking over to him. The team walked downstairs as Owen came over, knowing that Owen could give the comfort that they couldn't. TK wrapped his arms around him tightly, taking a deep shaky sigh, tears still spilling down his cheeks. "I don't want her in my life, Dad." He said his voice broken. "I know, I know. I can't promise that she won't show up again. But if she does, block her out, because you don't need to be getting upset over her. She tries to talk to you, just go on with your day, ignore her." "But I can't, she doesn't feel like my Mom, but she still is. I know she wanted nothing to do with me since that day, but......." TK sighed. "I don't know."  "My advice, text her what you really feel after the shift. Kay?" Tyler nodded in agreement. Just then the bell rang. "You wanna stay here?" "Yeah, but I gotta go." "That's my boy." Owen said patting him on the back once he got up. "Hey, Dad?" "Hmm?" "Thank you. For everything." Owen pulled him into a tight hug "You're welcome. I love you." "I love you too, Dad." "Heeelllooo? Cap, TK! You comin?" "Let's go before Judd kills us!" TK said with a laugh. With that the team went on the call, TK now felt better knowing his mom had heard how he felt about the past, and that he would talk to her later once he could.

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