I'm here for you.

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TK was spending the night at Carlos', they had just finished dinner. "Want to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine?" Carlos asked once they sat on the couch. "Sure I could use a laugh." TK replied with a smile. The two sat down on the couch. "Who's better? Rosa, Jake or Boyle?" Carlos asked TK. "I personally like Rosa and Jake, you?" "Jake and Boyle." "The captain and Terry are pretty good in fairness as well." "Yeah" Carlos replied. TK opened his arms for Carlos to lie in. The two of them snuggled together laughing at the show. After a few episodes, TK started to nod off. Carlos looked behind him as he felt the weight on his shoulder get heavier, he smiled and decided to leave him sleep a little longer while he finished the rest of the episode. 

"Hey, babe. Hey, Tiger, wake up." TK groaned sleepily as he woke. "What time is it?" He asked. Carlos chuckled softly. "Time to go upstairs to bed, because you are bait." "I'm not even going to deny it at this point." TK admitted his voice still had a sleepy tone in it. Carlos smirked. "Let's go Tired Tiger." "If that catches on, I will end you." "You love it really." Carlos said with a smirk.

TK full on flopped onto the bed, Carlos joined him. "C'mere, Tiger." He said opening his arms and pulling TK towards him as he scooted towards Carlos' chest. "Love you." TK whispered as he closed his eyes. "Love you too, Ty." Carlos draped his arm over TK, cuddling him close to his chest

Owen walked into the kitchen of the station and instantly sat down putting his hand to his head, and taking a deep breath. "Dad?" TK asked. "J-just a dizzy spell. I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "TK, I wouldn't lie to you. I'm fine." TK wasn't convinced. "I have some paperwork to do, I'll be in the office if you need anything." Owen said forcing himself up and to walk in a straight line. "You ok?" Mateo asked. "He's been lying to me for weeks!" "About what?" Judd asked. "The chemo is making him weak. He, he gets dizzy a lot. Vomiting, coughing a lot more, not being able to sleep at night. He says he's fine, but I've looked it up. He's not." "TK-" "Don't even try to tell me he's invincible. It's making him weak. That's that. But.....what if this is the thing that kills him?" "Don't think like that, TK. He'll be fine. He's been defeating it so far, and has done well. He can beat the crap out of the cancer." Judd said. TK still wasn't convinced. "Don't worry, brother. He'll be fine." Judd said squeezing TK's shoulder comforting him.

A few minutes later the bell rang. "House fire in Shell Creek Avenue! Two kids are trapped inside!" Owen shouted as everyone got their gear. TK approached him before he got on the truck. "Are you sure you're ok?" "Kid, I'm fine! Let's go!" 

"Captain Strand!" Carlos said running towards him and updating him on the situation. "Shit, the house is huge." TK said. "Those kids could be anywhere." Mateo remarked. "126, whole team's goin' in! Get suited up!" 

"Let's go, go, go!" Owen said leading them in. "Alright, buddy system. Marjon and Mateo, Judd and TK, Paul and me. Marjon, Mateo, sitting room! TK Judd, kitchen! Paul upstairs! Let's gooo!" They put out the fires along the way as they called out for the kids. "We got Lucas!" TK said into his comm. "Do you see Aria?" Owen asked into his comm. "No." "She's locked in her room! She wanted to be left alone so she locked it." The 8 year old said. "Dad, Lucas said she's locked in her room! Where is it?" "Down the hall, third door to the left." The kid replied in between coughs. "Judd get him out! Dad, Aria's room is down the hall, third door to the left. Judd bring the battering ram!" TK said into his comm again. The house started to creak and some of the ceiling fell, nearly landing on TK. "House is coming down! I repeat, house is coming down!" TK said into the radio. "Judd you better be here in the next ten seconds!" Owen said into the comm. Judd ran in, up the stairs, and to Owen. "Aria!" Owen called out." "Search the area." Owen instructed. TK made his way upstairs. "Found her!" Mateo screamed. "Pulse?" Paul asked. "Faint, but there." Owen took off his oxygen gear. "Put it on her!" The team did as instructed. The house started to crumble again, and Owen got dizzy again. "Everyone, go!" TK stayed behind. "TK GO!" He hissed then put his hand to his head. "Not without you, Dad!" "I'll be right behind you! Trust me! Now go!" "TK! CAP!" The team called. TK gave him a quick hug then ran. Owen got up slowly. He made it down the stairs then his legs gave way. Another part of the house collapsed. "DAD!" TK screamed. "Captain Strand, do you copy?" Owen heard from his comm. "TK?" He asked his voice weak. "Dad! Do you copy?!" He slowly brought the comm to his mouth. "I love you, TK. I'm sorry." He said darkness trying to pull him under. "Dad! We're going back in!" Suddenly the house collapsed. "NO! TK screamed his voice broken. "No, no, no, DAD!" He wailed as Carlos ran over pulling him into a tight hug. His father's last words played over and over in his mind. "I love you TK. I'm sorry...." "He can't be gone. Not when I need him most!"

TK quickly sat up, drowned in cold sweat, shaking in fear and hot tears making their way down his cheeks. He looked around, realising he was at Carlos'. His breathing was fast, very fast. He looked over at Carlos, who was still peaceful. He quietly got out of bed, took his phone and went to the bathroom. His breathing was still waaaaayyy too fast. He debated on calling his Dad, but he knew because of the chemo, he needed to get as much sleep as he could. He sat there on the floor, crying silently. After a few minutes he forced himself to stop. The dream was kind of related to that day. Owen getting dizzy a lot. Not sleeping at night, coughing more, vomiting. His conscience decided it was time to have a go at him and cursed him with the nightmare. He went back towards the room hoping not to wake Carlos. He lied down fear still shooting through him. The minute he closed his eyes, he could see the house collapsing, "I love you TK....." ringing in his ears. He gasped. Carlos woke at the gasp. "Hey, Tiger, what's wrong?" "I-I'm sorry I woke you." TK replied. "No, no, baby. It's ok, I'm glad you woke me, because I don't want you upset." Carlos said cupping TK's cheek with his hand, lovingly rubbing his cheek. Then he felt a tear. With his free hand, Carlos turned on the light by the bedside table, wincing at the light for a moment. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I'm fine." TK said averting his gaze. "Baby." "I'm fine! It was just a bad dream." TK said his voice filled with fear sadness and broken. Tears flew down his cheeks. "Tyler. It wasn't just a bad dream. It scared you, it is scaring you." TK stayed silent, still not looking at Carlos he then sniffed, seeing the house collapse once again. He felt arms be wrapped around him, pulling him close. TK tensed up, resisting the hug. He felt Carlos' hand run up and down the back of his neck. He then threw his arms around him, sobbing softly. "I'm here, baby. I'm here." After around three minutes, TK's sobbing stopped, but he refused to let go of Carlos. Carlos didn't mind this, in fact he loved cuddling TK, especially when he needed it most. "You wanna tell me what happened, baby?" "I-I, It was about my feelings today. About....about Dad. He....he died in the dream." TK said as his voice cracked. "Oh, Tyler." "The..the chemo is making him weak." TK listed everything going with his father. "I'm afraid that this will kill him! Yeah, he tells me he's invincible! Up until recently, yeah, he was! But he's getting weak." "Chemo does that, Tiger. But he'll be ok. He's your Dad, the second strongest person I know, you being the first." "I'm not strong, I'm weak." "TK, babes, you can't help but worry. I'm worrying too, so are your team, and don't even tell me I'm wrong." TK smiled. "I'll be here, through everything, ok. I promise you, that. Here and at your home, are safe spaces. I'll always be here, to love you, care for you, comfort you. I am promising you that, right now. Kay, baby?" TK threw his arms around him again. "Thank you, what did I do to deserve you?" "By being you. My baby TK." "And you, are my baby Carlos. And I'll always love you, comfort and take care of you too." Carlos gently kissed TK's forehead. After he had pulled away, TK kissed Carlos' cheek. "Come on, Tiger." He said lying back down and opening his arms. For some reason, TK was a bit hesitant. "Babes?" "I'm sorry. I....I don't know what's wrong with me." "There's nothing wrong with you, you're just scared. I don't blame you for that. You should talk to your Dad tomorrow, tell him how you feel." "If we get time, I will." "Wait, is this your first nightmare about it?" "No. It....it's my fifth." "Babes, did you tell him?" "No." Then how did you go back to sleep?" "Didn't." "Baby." "It's fine, Carlos. I'm fine." "Talk to him." "I will." TK said then let out a yawn. "You ready to sleep?" Carlos asked. TK nodded. Carlos shut off the light and opened his arms once again. TK laid next to him, resting his head on Carlos' chest. Carlos ran a hand through TK's hair. "Sleep well, my Tired Tiger." "You too, my Cute Carlos." "Ohhh, so now pet names are your thing too?" "I guess they are." TK smirked snuggling his head on Carlos' chest, as Carlos held him close. Soon TK drifted off to sleep, knowing Carlos would be there through it all. To comfort him when he had a nightmare, to give him a hug, cuddle, and kiss when he needed it. Or when he just needed to be held, Carlos would be there through it all. Tyler felt truly grateful for him, and couldn't imagine life without the man that he loved.

Sorry if it's not great I wrote this at 11pm lol and now I'm publishing it at 12:20 am yayyy

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