Chapter 7

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{This chapter is long and it does include smut of a trans man, now if you aren't comfortable with this please do not read it!}

The club had been fun, Quackity and Schlatt taking shots, dancing together under the bright lights of the building as they laughed and smiled at each other. By the time they headed home, they were slow. The club wasn't too far from the condo so they were able to walk instead of driving [don't drink and drive kids].

The energy from their previous dances, the grinding, and the giggles was leftover. Schlatt's hands never once left Quackity's body on the walk home, slurring phrases in the other's ear to get laughs. Fumbling with the keys, Quackity opened the condo and pushed inside.

Nearly immediately as the door shut, Schlatt had Quackity against the wall. The hybrid looked at him for a moment before Quackity's hands tangled in the older's hair as he pulled him into a kiss. It was sloppy, obviously no real intent behind it. Calloused hands traveled under Quackity's shirt, the kiss breaking so Schlatt could pull it off and mouth at the younger's neck.

Quackity's hands splayed out against the older's chest, head tilted back and Schlatt rubbed circles into the bare skin of the Hispanic's waist and left small little bites on his neck. Schlatt grabbed his wrist gently, tugging Quackity to one of the bedrooms for a nicer place. Practically tearing his shirt off as Quackity fumbled with his shoes so he could discard his pants, Schlatt smiled. "Wow," clicking his tongue as Quackity looked up at him, "god you look so fucking- so fucking hot."

"Me? You sure," Quackity teased for a moment as he tugged his pants off, Schlatt walking forward and holding him by the hips and looking at him up and down.

"Yes- god yes I'm sure- fuck do you need my help getting the-" The older fumbled for words as his hands moved up and lightly hovered over the binder Quackity wore. Quackity just shook his head as he pulled the black item over his head and to the floor. Heavy hands traveled up Quackity's body but skipped over what the binder had hidden.

Pushing Quackity onto the bed, Schlatt climbed over and pressed a hot kiss to his lips as he took off his belt and tugged his pants down. He took a moment to get rid of his shoes and pants so that both men rested only in their boxers. Schlatt took in the other's frame, hands moving up and down as he stared before Quackity made a small noise and flipped the two of them over so that he straddled Schlatt.

Another kiss followed as Quackity grinded against the other's hard-on, Schlatt's hands in his hair as Quackity seemed to make it his mission to drive Schlatt inside with touches and hip rolls. Finally, he groaned, "Fuck- Quackity please Jesus christ don't tease me."

Quackity just rolled his eyes and hummed, tugging his boxers off for a moment as Schlatt sat up and pulled Quackity against him. Kisses and small bites were placed all over Quackity's neck as Schlatt's hand slipped down and rested on his thighs as Schlatt made it his goal to praise Quackity's body. There was a small gasp when Schlatt's hands slipped to the inside, tracing skin up until his hands hovered over Quackity's cunt as he mouthed marks into the smaller's skin.

Quackity's breath hitched for a moment at the feeling of one of Schlatt's fingers pressing between the lips as Schlatt sucked a deep mark into the crook of his neck. Schlatt was careful, slowly easing the one finger inside as he made Quackity lean against him, pressing small kisses to the ram's head. Slowly easing the first finger down to the knuckle, he eased it out then back in.

Setting a steady pace with his finger before curling it to hear the lewd gasp Quackity made, Schlatt nuzzled his head against the skin of the younger's collarbone. He slipped a second finger in and paused at the whine from the other before slowly easing back to the pace. He loved every sound he managed to drag out of Quackity, every whine and small moan was music to his ears- and went straight to his dick.

After a moment Quackity batted his hand away and gasped slightly, feeling Schlatt's fingers leave him and move to rest on his hips as he pressed himself down and against Schlatt, rolling his hips for friction. "Schlatt- fuck- please?"

Schlatt nodded as he struggled, and with Quackity's help, got his boxers off. His dick ached, free from the fabric, and pressed right against Quackity's front. Kisses were exchanged again, sloppy as the two fumbled around until the tip of his cock was pressed gently between Quackity's lower lips. Thumbs rubbed circles into the younger's skin as Schlatt helped him sink about halfway, then raise back up. They continued this awkward slow pace until their bodies were flush against each other, hips rolling.

Quackity lifted himself, before dropping down again with a small whine until Schlatt grabbed his hips and helped him set up a quick pace that elicited lewd noises from both men, Quackity burying his face in Schlatt's locks as his thighs held a small tremble with every bounce. Schlatt pressed kisses as he fucked into the smaller, whining as Quackity slammed down on him until Schlatt moved so that the two flipped, Quackity below him on the bed. The smaller's legs wrapped around Schlatt's waist, using it as leverage to get Schlatt to fuck him deeper.

Quackity's grip on the other curls tightened as he whined out, "fuck fuck fuck- I'm c- hnnhaa close-" Schlatt just nuzzled his face against Quackity as he kept going, determined to make the other hit his climax soon. Quackity's head fell back against the pillow, his thighs shaking as he edged closer and closer, before his grip on Schlatt tightened and he screamed, "FUCK- SCHLATTTTTtt-" his voice cut off as his eyes closed.

It didn't take much longer for Schlatt to thrust through Quackity's high for him to follow suit, his hips snapping forward as he groaned and came inside of the smaller. Schlatt stayed how he was with Quackity for a moment, both men desperately trying to regain their breath before Schlatt pulled out and dropped beside him onto his side. His small ram tail wagged as he pulled Quackity close, kissing the tired man all over his face as Quackity hummed, shifting to cuddle against him.

It wasn't entirely planned when the smaller drifted to sleep, but it wasn't like Schlatt didn't mind, trying to pull the quilt to fold it over on top of him before joining Quackity in sleep.

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