chapter 22

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Sabrina had the academy that day because she begged her aunties.

She finally finished puking and nick helped her take the remedy that hilda had made earlier that morning.

Sabrina put on a black crop top and a blood red skirt meeting with where her crop top ends.

She slicked her platinum blonde almost white hair behind her ear and out of her face so she wouldn't have to deal with her hair flicks getting into her face.

The rest of her family was downstairs. She goes down the stairs her hair softly bouncing with each step.

She greets nick with a kiss one the cheek having to go on her Tippy toes to each up to her tall boyfriend. He gives a soft smile and helps her pack up her bag for school. They eat the food hilda prepared for them.

20 minutes later ~~

Sabrina and nick hold hands and bump into eachother cutely.

Once they get to the school they sit down in the class.

They were almost late to class but they still made it there on time.

As the class goes on Sabrina gets queasy and knew what was about to happen.

She desperately look around the classroom with her face growing pale. She locks eyes with prudence.

Prudence raise her hand. The teacher called on her as Sabrina look paler and gets queasier

"Uhm I think the half breed is going to puke" prudence says.

"Yes please escort her to the bathroom" the teacher says in a bored tone.

*In the bathroom*

Sabrina run into the stall and start puking harshly as she clings around the toilet bowl.

Prudence just sits there Making disgusted expressions as she hears Sabrina puking, she slides a tiny box under the stall and tries to block out the noices of the half witch puking.

Sabrina finally finished puking and looks at what Prudence pushed under the stall door, it was a pregnancy test...

Is Sabrina pregnant!?

Writing more soon, sorry for not updating often.

Sabrina spellman X Nickolas Scratch Where stories live. Discover now