As sabrina layed naked against her also naked boyfriend they breathed heavily. I love you spellman Nickolas said to her. Sabrina went on her tippy forehead and kissed his lips softly. Love you too she said resting her head on his chest.
Suddenly they heard the door open. She took her head off and whipped around. She saw Ambrose. Covered her breasts with her hands. Ambrose walked in the room. When he saw sabrina his eyes widened he glanced at nick who had the same widened eyes as Ambrose. Ambrose walked backwards and closed the door silently.
Sabrina and nick shared the same look on there faces. Sabrina walked over and picked up there clothes she handed her boyfriend his clothes.
Hurry up and put your clothes its probably dinner time she Said putting her panties on. "Ok babe" he replied putting the boxers on.
~10 minutes later ~
The couple ran down the stairs into the big kitchen. "Hey darlings" hilda said as they walked into the room. "hey auntie" sabrina replied.
Hilda had a bowl of mashed potatoes in her hand. Zelda was across the kitchen sitting on the counter with her magazine folded in her hands. "When's dinner" the worlock asked making eye contact with hilda. "In about 30 minutes dear" she replied smiling. We are going to go on a walk sabrina said grabbing her boyfriends hand. "We will be back by dinner" she said pulling nick out the front door.
They walked down the driveway and into the woods she held his hand tightly. So what's the meaning of this he asked smiling. Well I wanted some fresh air and some time out of the house. She said smiling and a little time to spend with my awesome boyfriend she said blushing. He smirked at her before stepping on her tippy toes and pecking his lips.
They walked around for a little bit then they saw a path they never noticed before. Sabrina pulled his hand lightly towards the new path we probably have a little more time before dinner she said starting to walk down the path.
~2 minutes later ~
"Wow: sabrina said as she looked at the lake in front of her. The lake was blue and sparkling. "Let's sit for a moment babe" she said sitting in the grass staring at the water. Nickolas sat next to his half witch girlfriend.
"It's so pretty." she said smiling. "Not as pretty as you though" nick said to her. She blushed and kissed his lips "I love you nick" she said looking into his dark eyes. "I love you to" he said and "you were worth everything I would do it a thousand times just to make you happy" he said tucking a piece of her silky white hair behind her ear. She looked at him with her fiery eyes Before kissing him passionately.
~30 seconds later ~
The half witch pulled away from the kiss and looked at the water. She layed her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. Nick rapped his arm around her red jacket. Sabrina leaned in closer to his chest.
~5 minutes later~
"We should probably head back to eat dinner" he said making her lift her head off of him. "Ok " she said standing up. "We could maybe come back later" he said winking at his girlfriend. "Well we will have to see about that scratch" she said smirking.
They walked out of the path through the woods and back to the house. The couple walked in and walked to the kitchen. Just In time zelda said seeing them walk in though the door. They walked over and sat down to eat.
~3 hours later ~
"It's time for bed." Hilda called from the opposite side of the bedroom door. Yes auntie sabrina called.
Sabrina and nick lied in the bed facing eachother. She leaned closer and kissed the warlocks lips. "I love you." she said looking into his eyes. " I love you too babe." he said smiling.
~2 hours later ~
nick rolled over in his sleep his hand on her stomach. He felt as she grabbed his hand and pulled down between her thighs. She twisted around her hips and humped his hand. She took of her underwear. He touched her lightly rubbed his finger inside her she moaned quietly. Her pussy twitched wanting more.
He grazed his fingers in her front to back slowly getting faster and harder. He listened as her breathing intensified. She was breathing heavy and fast as he continued.
Suddenly he shot his fingers up her fast making her moan loudly. Her moan gave him chills up his spine. He kept his fingers up her. It was warm wet and tight. He moved his fingers slightly inside her. He started thrusting his fingers harder inside her. With every thrust she got tighter and tighter. She also moaned louder and louder.
~3 minutes later ~
Nick could tell by her loud moaning that she was about to peak. He pushed harder and faster causing her to moan louder than she ever had. He pulled his fingers out of she sopping wet pussy.
He listened closely as her breathing returned to normal before slowing down and the couple falling asleep.

Sabrina spellman X Nickolas Scratch
FanfictionAnd fanfiction about half witch sabrina spellman and Nickolas scratch from the chilling adventures of sabrina ( takes place after part 3) sabrina is seventeen now