chapter two

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As sabrina sat at the bench tables at the academy she was reading one of her her fathers book. as she flipped though the pages looking for any spells that would take away all the pain. she had been feeling. Sabrina was sitting all alone at the small table.

~5 minutes later~

She pushed the book in front of her and layed her head against the cold wood table. She closed her eyes. Her mind was like a clidascope of memories with Nickolas. That's what happened to her when she wasn't occupying herself by doing something stupid, like underage drinking or going to clubs. Sabrina started to cry with her head against the table. Sabrina wanted to be the strong fiery person that she usually was, but she couldn't bring herself to. She couldn't even explain about how much she missed nick , but she couldn't go running to him because she wanted him to be happy. She stopped crying wiped her face and continued to her father's book. Little did she know that Nick could see her across from the cafeteria the whole time she's been sitting there.

~10 minutes later

"Hey," a voice said from behind her. Sabrina shot her head backwards. It was Nick. "Oh uh hey," sabrina said back quietly trying to avoid looking him directly. "How have you been doing?" the worlock asked. "Uh I'm pretty busy and I don't really want to talk about it." She replied. Sabrina was trying to distance herself from him. she didn't want to seem like she needed him, when in reality she did.

Suddenly the bell rang for class she closed the book. "Catch you later sabrina." He said as he stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

~three hours later ~

"I see you stayed a bit later at the academy, " hilda said as sabrina walked in the door. "Yes I was doing some studies in the library." Sabrina said. "Just in time for dinner love." Hilda said to sabrina.

As she walked over to the dinner table she saw that there was an extra chair at the table. "Are we expecting someone " sabrina asked her aunties.
"Yes actually." Zelda replied.

Just then there was a knock at the door. "Come in darling." Hilda called out. Nick walked into the house. Sabrina's eyes widened. As she look at the worlock in front of the door. She noticed a pile of books in his hands.

"What are those books for?" Ambrose asked. "Oh sabrina left them at the academy." he said placing them on the counter. "Come sit over here next to sabrina." zelda said to nick.

Nickolas walked over to the table pulled out the chair on sabrina's left, and sat down. Sabrina couldn't help but to keep glancing at him.

~50 minutes later (after dinner)~

Sabrina excused herself and went upstairs to her room she sat on her bed. She couldn't stand being in the room with Nickolas him being so close to her. She wanted so bad to just forget about the break up and for her to be happy like used to. Sabrina didn't know how much longer she could handle it. Handle acting like everything was ok in front of her aunties her friends and even nick.

"You ok " she looked over to the door and saw nick standing there with a worried expression across his face. Sabrina couldn't hold it in anymore tears started pouring down her face she started crying.

Nick rushed over to sabrina's side he put his arms around her. Sabrina put her arm around his neck and cried onto his shoulder "nick " she kept saying outloud as she pushed closer. Nickolas hugged her tightly and rubbed her back lovingly. Tears started running down his face as well he hated to see sabrina cry

"Its going to be ok spellman" Nickolas said softly. Sabrina pulled off nicks shoulder and they looked close into each others eyes sabrina reached in and kissed him she pushed him onto the bed still kissing him. The kiss was magical is was the best kiss sabrina had ever had it was filled with love and passion and heartbreak and excitement and everything that they have been keeping from eachother since they broke up.

Please stay tonight sabrina said as she looked him in the eyes. "of course." Nick said smiling as he ran his hands through her white hair.

Sorry to end the chapter now the next chapter will start were we left off ♡♡

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