Nick rushed over to hilda who was sitting on the ground with her hands over her eyes. "What's wrong?" nick asked consernd." Its sabrina"she said.
"Omg what happened?" he asked his hands starting to shake. "She got in an accident" hilda said tears rolling down her face. "I'm going to set everything up you go get sabrina and bring her to me so I can see the damage." Hilda said. "Where is she?" he asked with tears in his eyes. "4th oak lane" she said walking to the other room.Nick telaported to the scene. His heart dropped when he saw his girlfriend laying by the road with roz sitting by her grabbing her besties hands and sobbing. Nick rushed up to them. There was blood covering the scene.
"I'm going to teleport back to the mortuary with sabrina and you come by there and explain what happened to my girlfriend." He said with thick tears running down his heartbroken face.
Sabrina was still awake but seconds away from being unconscious. "I love you" she said looking at nick before passing out. "Go head on your way to the mortuary." he said looking roz dead in the eye. She started going to the mortuary.
"Its going to be ok princess" he said playing a quick kiss on her lips. There was blood on his lips from kissing her. But he didn't care he lifted the half witch into his arms. He telaported back to the mortuary with sabrina in his arms.
He rushed over to where they set up a spot for sabrina. He sat her down on the exam table. He had blood all down his shirt. Hilda and zelda rushed up to there niece. "Oh bloody hell." hilda said looking at sabrina. When zelda looked at her nick could see how she had tears in her eyes and how she looked so much unlike herself.
"Nickolas dear can you go take off her clothes so we can see the damage: hilda asked walking out the door. He undid all the buttons on her blouse and took off her skirt carefully. He set them on the table before wiping tears from his face.
Hilda and zelda walked back in the room. "Roz is here, go figure out exactly what happened and we will look at sabrina then after we can have a meeting" zelda said looking at Nick's heartbroken face.
He walked out into the living room and sat next to roz about the accident.
~43 minutes later ~
Hilda zelda and nick sat on the couch. "So what happened?" zelda asked nick. "They were crossing the road and a car pulled out in front of roz and sabrina jumped in and pushed roz out of the way" he said. "Ok," they replied.
"Do you know anything about what's wrong with sabrina?" Nick asked. "Not much but she will be unconscious for a couple days then she will wake up and be on bed rest then she will slowly get back to normal life." They said. "She will also have some side affects from it" they added. Nick's eyes widened. "She will pass out when she is stressed." They said sadly. "We have something to ask you" the sister's said. "What is it" the worlock asked. "Will you stay here with us to take care of sabrina?" They asked politely. "Yes I don't want to leave her side either." the worlock said his eyes starting to tear.
~10 minutes later~
"Can I go see her" Nick asked making eye contact with the witch sisters. "Yes of course, stitched her up" zelda said. Looking at nick.
Nick walked into the room and sat down beside his girlfriend. He stroked her white silvery hair out of her face. "I love you too spelman" he whispered.
It 11:45 goodnight more next chapter
♡♡♡ rosie_the_phyco

Sabrina spellman X Nickolas Scratch
FanfictionAnd fanfiction about half witch sabrina spellman and Nickolas scratch from the chilling adventures of sabrina ( takes place after part 3) sabrina is seventeen now