" 2 can play that game🎸"

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Simone POV: I wake up to see this girl snoring , sleeping good . She's usually up before me . Does that mean she ? NOOOOO she didn't 😮 . I walk over to her to wake her up & she woke up .

Y/n : " ughhh what Simone ?" I said turning to the side .

Simone : " girl it's 8 , we slept over the alarm . "

Y/n : " oh wait for real ? Oh dam let me get up . "

Simone : " uh un before you go anywhere , did y'all fuck ? "

Y/n : " girl dam can I get dress & wash my face first ? "
Simone : " yup go head but as soon as your done I need to know the details ms ma'am . "

Y/n : " I'll tell you at our lunch break after practice with the rest of the girls ."

Simone : " ok "

Author POV: the girls we're practicing the choreography for boy fever when CEO park walked in .

CEO Park: "y/n could you come to the office for me ? Just have to discuss some thing with you . "

Y/n : " yea sure . I'll be back guys keep practicing. " I said walking with him . I noticed Ji-Yoo smiling which rubbed me the wrong way .

CEO Park: " here take a seat. "

* sits down *

Y/n : " hey mr. park what's going on ?"

CEO Park: " so Ji-Yoo has informed me you are dating . She came to me yesterday that you went to a young mans house after practice. "

Y/n POV : oh so she snitched . She a snitchhhhhh omg I never seen a bitch so pressed in my life . She definitely outta pocket for that . All the more reason to beat her the fuck up when I'm done .

CEO Park : " I heard it's Mr . Min from BTS. Is this true ? "

Y/n POV : I could lose my job just for this . But you know what, I'm not gonna lie . Lying is gonna make it worse so It is what it is . " yes sir , it's true . "

CEO Park : " hmmm , see I'm glad you told the truth because I'm not mad . I actually don't care ."

Y/n : " wait your for real ?" I said lifting my head .

CEO Park : " No not all . You girls have no bans here . You can be free but all I want is for you to stay focused on your job . Which is leading the group & making money to pay your trainee fees back so eventually you can start getting paid . Plus my daughter Aera came & advocated for y'all since she's dating that nice gentleman taehyung. So if my daughter is happy , her whole team deserves . I just hope you know that dating them will be stressful since you will be busy doing shows & what not."

Y/n : omg my heart was about to beat out of my chest . " thank you so much sir I really appreciate this . I know but I'm fully aware & my priorities are straight. Work before anything . "

CEO Park: " that's what I like to hear . Just be careful."

Y/n : " I will sir thank you so much again ." I said Bowing leaving out his office. Watch ima drag this bitch . Lemme go to my singing lessons & text yoongi.

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