B2: Ⅱ [2]

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No one thought it was possible nor did anyone really think for a single millisecond that the end of the war between the two holder of the most powerful quirks would just turn the fate of it from a bad ending to just nothing.

There was no fighting,no yelling in each other's faces, it all just went silent and they walked away from each other with their groups following in confusion, one person from the hero side tho tried to do a sneak attack but it back fired when they were slammed into the ground by black whip.

It was a different color than it normally was tho only for a second it was a fiery blue color but it went back to it's normal teal color as it went away. A lot of people there were confused on why Izu stopped Bakugou from attacking Shigaraki but let it at that as they were all drained and more tired than they wanted to be.

Shigaraki was surprised himself, why his supposed nemesis kept him from getting blasted then killing the culprit was beyond him, but then again he was the one who made the silent agreement with Izu that they would just stay on opposite sides and keep their distance from each other.

Cuz both of them wanted something similar, they wanted to live in peace and feel like they belonged somewhere, they found that place with their groups, that was clear to see.

The thing that surprised Shigaraki was that as soon as that agreement was made, he felt like he was completely in control of his own body and not like his master was trying to take it over every five minutes.

He felt like a whole person and that made him smile wholeheartedly to himself but then he stopped, realizing it wasn't his doing but Izu's that freed him from the cage his master practically put him in. So on his walk away from the battle ground he took a swift turn to look at Izu one last time before disappearing for as long as he wanted.

It's been a few hours sense Izu and Shoto disappeared from the dorms and if anyone were to say 'their class doesn't care sense their villains' then they'd be dead wrong on so many levels.

In the dorms with class 3A, Shota Aizawa is in his room sitting on his bed staring at a note found on the back of his door and the fact that the note was written by one of his missing students makes him wonder if he should read it or not.

As he continuously stares at it he notices there are more papers folded within the note, so he grabs them and looks at the bold words on the top then stops after reading them "Pregnancy Results" on one and "Blood Test Results" on the other two.

Shota thinks for a few seconds before grabbing his phone out his pocket and speed dialing "Loud Cockatoo", the phone rings a few times before it actually gets answered "What's up Shota?" Hizashi answers confused.

Shota says silent for a few seconds getting his thoughts together which scares Hizashi "can you come to my dorm, it's important" is all Shota says which gets him a reply of "I'm on my way" from the cockatoo.


Both Hizashi and Shota are sitting on the bed, one confused and the other a nervous reck waiting for something to happen, for something to just wake him from this heartache of a dream.

"Shota, do you want me to read them out loud or do you want me to read them in my head?" Hizashi asks as he places his hand on his husband's only getting a distressed look from him rather then words.

Hizashi nods his head knowing his husband is still depressed about his problem children as well as favorite students -not counting Hitoshi- disappearing from the dorms and reads the letter in his head.

A few minutes go by and Shota is waiting for his husband to say something to him but he's too quiet for his liking so he looks at him worriedly but when he sees him he feels the emotions coming off him and wants so bad for him to speak, he takes the letter out his hand then reads it aloud.

"Dear Mr. Aizawa, sense you're reading this I'll explain to you what's going on. One of the two blood test result papers tells you that, Izu is in fact a girl as well as my blood related sister. On the second blood test result paper it explains who the father of her baby is with proof of course, it also explains what's happened to her for the past few months."

Shota is shocked at this point and he hasn't even read the whole thing, he decides to keep reading just to know more about the situation.

"On the page with pregnancy test result, it explains how long Izu's been pregnant and when she may give birth. It also explains that the father doesn't have custody of their child at all so to the fact that it was basically rape as well as the reason I kept getting in to fights with a certain someone." Shota starts piecing things together in his head while reading the rest.

"Hey sensei it's Izuku or Izu, I just wanted to tell you that I don't blame you or the other sensei's for anything. I blame everyone else, if their training to be the next future hero's then they should learn to read the room or be able to tell when someone's in need especially if their friend needs them"

Aizawa reads that part and smiles a little then continues "Also rather than Expelling the culprits, kick their asses in a training session and give them a punishment for the rest of their time in UA, Uraraka was working with the father of my soon to be born child. I want to hurt them in the most messed up way on my own, only them and no one else. If you ever want to contact me or Sho just ask Hitoshi. One more thing, I've decided that you and Mic-sensei can be the Godfather's of my child and Nemuri-sensei can be the Godmother, bye bye for now"

Reading the last few bits Shota starts crying, he then leans his head on his husband's shoulder and they cry together.


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