B2: Ⅲ [3]

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In the leagues hide out, two people are still very confused, while three others are just chilling. The two confused ones are sitting in the living room, one's just laying on the couch and the other is sitting on a bean bag, both are just staring into space.

It's been a few hours sense Izu and Sho got there and it's pretty quiet other than the sound of the tv that no one's watching. The peace and quiet is nice but the two want an explanation on what's going on and why it's happening.

"Toga do you have any clue as to what's going on?" The one sitting on the bean bag questions, "no Tomura, why do you think I'd know anything about this? I'm just as confused as you are" the one on the couch answers back ending their very short conversation.

Back in the 3A dorms, two teachers are going through an emotional rollercoaster and one student is trying to think over everything he's ever known about his so called "best friend". Earlier he wanted to question his friend on how he knew what he did about Midoriya, he didn't even care that she had secrets nor did it bother him when Bakugou called her out for them, other than being pissed she was called out and talked down on by her so called friends.

When he went to Bakugou's room he heard talking, it was Bakugou and Midoriya. Tho it wasn't a very long conversation he felt like he was there forever, listening to their conversation and what he heard shocked him more than anything.

He heard Midoriya tell Bakugou that he would never see his child nor would he ever meet his child unless under certain circumstances that weren't explained at all. As Midoriya was leaving Bakugou's room she spotted Kirishima while he was eavesdropping.

She smiled at him then gave him a gentle hug and a kiss on the cheek before heading elsewhere. Kirishima was shocked of course but he was also flustered from the kiss and show of affection toward him even after the fiasco a few minutes prior to that moment.

Now as mentioned before he's in his room questioning everything he thought he knew about his so called "best friend".

Back with the league, it's been about three hours of silence that is until now. Izu was chilling when she felt her water break, she called her brothers and said it was time now she's at the hospital about to give birth, and boy is she in pain as well as angry as fuck.

She's already broken both the hands of two doctors and that's without One For All, luckily the doctors said they wouldn't press charges against a woman giving birth for they know no woman is nice during the process.

Finally after half an hour Izu has finally given birth and she's tired but still wants to see her child "Miss it's a health baby boy, and he's got a head of beautiful red hair just like yours" a nurse says cleaning and dressing then handing the baby to Izu.

Izu smiles at the nurse as she takes her son and holds him close, Izu watcha as he smiles a little at the skin to skin  contact between them and it makes Izu smile more, "Miss, what would you like to name him?" a nurse questions.

Izu looks at her before looking back at her son, "I'm not sure just yet, I'll need a few minutes to think about it, if that's okay?" Izu questions the nurse getting a nod in reply rather than words before the nurse leaves the room.

Some time has gone by and Izu has been holding her son trying to figure out a name for him and as the nurse walks in with a birth certificate and pen Izu picks the perfect name for him.

The nurse hands her a clipboard with the birth certificate and a pen on it, Izu signs it with her real name the name of her son, she puts N\A rather than putting Bakuhoe's name on the line where the father's name is supposed to go.

(It's a boy, now do you people think got any name recommendations?)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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