Chapter 1: Wanted

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A/N: Another male reader story! This time reader is a villain ✊ 

Y/N - your name 
L/N - last name 
H/C- hair color 
E/C - eye color 
Age: 14

Quirk: Your power is just like Gojou's from jujutsu kaisen. If you haven't watched the show that's fine I can explain it for you. If you have seen the show, then you can ignore the explanation

Limitless: Y/N can coat his body with a layer of "infinity", when he does so, nothing can touch him. If someone were to try and punch him, their fist would go through the endless infinity that separates their fist with Y/N, things that approach him slow down and never reach him. 

Cursed technique blue: Y/N can amplify his limitless with negative energy. Basically making a vacuum that makes things pull together. When it hits someone, the victims body will disfigure and twist itself. 

Cursed technique red: The opposite of blue, red makes limitless flow with positive energy. Instead of making things pull together, red makes things repell. This is twice as destructive as blue. 

Hallow Purple: Y/N combines red and blue with a snap of his fingers (insert Thanos). This attack erases or deletes all matter in its path. 

All in all Gojou's power if freaking complicated as hell but I tried my best to leave as much physics out of the explanation as possible


I was skipping along the path with a big brown shopping bag in my arms. I was hugging it close, since it held what I cared about most.


I had ran to the store to get all the deals before anyone else could. What made it better, is when I went to pay, the lady at the counter let me walk out with everything for free. She looked terrified for some reason, but still, free food! 

I was humming to myself as I listened to music when I looked up at the screen that was always advertising sales to the public. I saw my face on the screen, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was straight baffled.

There was no way this could be happening, my face was on the screen for the world to see. One by one, people turned to look at me, realizing that it was me. 

Oh shit, I'm famous. 

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called my ✨best friend✨

"The hell you want?" Dabi asked. 

"Dabi! I'm on tv!" I shouted through the phone while still looking up at the screen. 

"....what does the screen say?" 

"It says, Y/N L/N wanted, Dabi I'm wanted this is amazing!" I exclaimed. 

"You moron, get out of there before you have heroes all over you" Dabi commanded. 

"Whyy? I'm about to get asked to sign some autographs" 

"The heroes are going to arrest you after beating the shit out of you! The news is saying that you're wanted by the authorities" Dabi scolded. "You're literally in the ass crack of the damn city" 

"Oh, that's hilarious" I laughed, realizing that I was being hunted down. 

"Just hurry and get back, I want my food" 

"Cool your tits I'm on my way" I said and continued to walk away from the shaking crowds. 

"What was that? I can ground you ya know" Dabi warned. I was about to respond but something landed in front of me. 

"Stop right there you villain, your rein ends here!" Endeavor yelled with some of his sidekicks behind him. 

"Ah shit" I muttered. 

"What's wrong?" Dabi asked. 

"They sent number 2 instead of 1. What am I, a roach?" I replied. 

"Do me a favor and not kill him, I call dibs" Dabi requested. I was going to respond but Endeavor ran up and tried to shoot his flames at me.

This man interrupted me twice now. ╭( •̀ •́ )╮

The flames stopped and revealed my unaffected form. 

"Ya done or are you doing to interrupt me again? Heroes these days, no manners whatsoever smh" 

"What the hell is up with this kid?" Endeavor muttered to himself.

"Oh and keep him alive? I can manage that" I answered Dabi's previous request and put my shopping bag on the floor for the time being. 

"Put your hands in the air, you're under arrest for your criminal history" Endeavor demanded. 

I lifted my finger and a small glow of red emitted from it. That single glow held so much power, I almost felt sorry for whoever was in that direction. Almost. 

"My turn" I said and released the red energy. The hero was immediately blasted back, destroying buildings as he went through them like nothing. 

"Oh my I hope you're okay there number 2! I have to get going, it's almost dinner time" I said, turning around and picking up my grocery bag again. I started to walk away before a very wounded Endeavor limped out of the wreckage. 

"Y-You! You killed so many pe-people! All in cold blood!" Endeavor criticized. 

I turned around to face him with a surprised look. 

"Oh shit, I really did do all that.......lmao anyways, bye" I waved and disappeared from the scene. Countless amounts of heroes got to the wreckage right after, a medical team helped Endeavor to the hospital as well. 

I got to the run down location I was currently staying at and I let myself in. 

"Quite a show you put on, now you're even more wanted than before" Dabi said, gesturing to the TV where I was shown skipping on the sidewalk. 

"That's funny, anyways I brought groceries" I said, placing the bag on the table. 

"Did you get my chips?" Dabi asked. 

My mind went blank as I stared into the grocery bag. 


"I hate you" 

"I hate myself too" 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the  first chapter! The chapters will be longer, this was just to introduce Y/N. Until next time! 

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