Chapter 31: One in Charge

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There will be minor spoilers about a certain villain that was being kept at Tartarus. But I'm not following the manga. She won't appear this chapter, but the next.

"Shit!" I yelled, my hands going to my hair in frustration. 

Whatever the hell my grandma could see, I couldn't manage to expand six eyes enough so I could as well. 

"...Watch your language!" Gran scolded with an appalled look on her face, smacking me at the back of the head. 

"Ow" I sputtered, my hands covering the area she had hit me. 

"Shit!" A new voice echoed. I whipped my head to the source and saw Eri standing there with a grin on her face. 

Not the best time to copy me Eri. 

My grandma stared blankly at her for a second. 

"Well shit, did you knock someone up, Y/N?" She asked with a shake of her head. 

"...WHAT?! She's what? 8 years old?? How am I going to be six years old and 'knocking someone up'?!" 

"What's knocking someone up?" Eri asked, her hand grasping my shirt. 

"Beating someone with rocks, child" I answered, patting her head with a pleasant smile on my face. 

Eri looked over at my grandma and walked to her, looking at her foggy eyes. 

"Does it hurt?" Eri asked, standing directly in front of her now. 

"Not in the slightest love. It just makes me sad sometimes" she replied with a smile, reaching forward and caressing Eri's hair. 

I stared at their moment with a fond look in my eyes. The way Gran caressed Eri's hair, was exactly what she did to Jupiter everyday. 

I looked over at the spot grandma was previously. If Akai, Jupiter, mom and dad were still bound to this place. I've got to work harder on mastering six eyes. I also have to work on infinity, so that even Eraserhead couldn't weaken it, and a powerhouse hero won't shatter it. 

"Y/N, Toga said the prisoners are getting out of hand, and they won't listen to her or the others" Dabi said, entering the room. 

Oh shit, I forgot I broke into a prison before this. 

"Right, let's go. But I need someone here to watch-" I started but was cut off. 

"We'll be fine here, you go do what you have to do" gran reassured with a smile, allowing Eri to do her hair. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded and I sighed, turning back to Dabi. 

"Shall we?" 


"What are we doing waiting around for?" One of them asked, a scowl on his face. 

"We should be going around, killing everyone in our path! Isn't that why we were released in the first place?!" 

"Calm down" Compress said. 

"No! We're not here to follow your orders!" 

"Mess with Y/N's plan, and I'll cut you up" Toga threatened, holding her knife. Nacho was sitting on her shoulder, looking at the group of freed villains with a distasteful look. 

"We didn't free ourselves to wait around here and follow orders. Whoever this Y/N is, he can fuck off-" 

"Only you didn't free yourselves, right? I did say, the only one who could get you out of there was me, and only me" I interrupted, Dabi and I standing at the entrance. 

Nacho flew from Toga and to me, landing on my shoulder and staring down the newbies. 

The league relaxed and walked over to me, Shigaraki looking towards the back of the group, and I could guess why. 

"Y/N right? I appreciate you getting us out, but we all have our own drive to being villains. I'm not following you" he said, before getting up to leave. 

"You're Katzu, known for theft. What brought you to Tartarus was when you detonated a daycare in order to distract heroes so you could steal from a jewelry store" I said, making him stop in his tracks. 

"That wasn't made news to the public" Katzu said, turning to me. 

"No it wasn't, but I have my ways. And people like you-" I started, taking a step and appearing behind him, his head in my hand. 

"Isn't someone I'd like on my team" I finished, dropping the head to the ground.

There wasn't a single sound coming from the others in the room. The newly freed villains looked at the headless body fall to the ground, blood flowing onto the concrete floor.

"I know it doesn't seem like it, but I have morals" I said, walking around the room. The new arrivals started sitting down again, all lowering their heads to avoid any eye contact.  

"No need to he scared or anything" I laughed. I walked towards the back and faced the villain that didn’t look shaken. 

"All for One, nice to see you again" I acknowledged, watching as he breathed with the support of a breathing mask and tank.

"I see you've made yourself at home with my league of villains. You didn't have the authority to do that" All for One said, making everyone in the room tense up. 

"I don't remember having to ask you for permission. They all chose to follow me, you were too incompetent to fulfill your goals" I answered back, looking at the Darth Vader rip-off.

"Tomura, come here" All for Shit ordered. I didn't bother looking back, just kept my hands in my pockets with a smile on my face. 

"" Shigaraki muttered. 

"What?" All for One said in a cold voice.  

"All you've ever done is hold me back, make me do what you want. I've never seen any progress. And ever since you were arrested, and Y/N took over, I can't stop seeing growth with every mission" Shigaraki explained, reaching up and grabbing the hand that covered his face. 

"I'm done listening to you" he finished, dropping the hand to the ground, his piercing red eyes shooting daggers at his former teacher. 

"I'm the one in charge, anyone that has a problem with that" I began, walking back to the severed head. 

"Will always answer to me" I promised, kicking the head in front. 

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