Chapter 24: Leverage Against the Enemy

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A/N: I still haven't decided if I'm going along with the manga, cause the villain arc is my favorite and all. But I want everyone to be able to read this book, so I might have to do my own thing like how I did with Rewind.

But! I will be including some spoilers in this book, such as Dabi's origin. So I have to get planning on the plot once I'm done with Overhaul and his bullshit. 

"Everything is going complete opposite on how we wanted to deal with this situation" Present Mic said, standing next to Midnight. He wasn't as cheerful as he usually was, there was nothing to really be cheerful about. 

The high security government building was reduced to nothing, the heroes that was trapped in the basement of the building died as well. 

Rahuse and other government officials involved in the Amitayus attack were blown up from the bombs Y/N strapped to them. 

And All Might, their symbol of peace. Was now forced into retirement, losing an arm and a leg during the fight. All Might couldn't even explain how it happened, no one outside of the fight were able to see either.

All they saw was a dark sphere in the air, until it vanished, and the hero was already injured beyond belief.

"None of us expected Y/N to be alive in the first place. And here we are, completely powerless compared to him" Midnight sighed, looking at the sleeping All Might, who was on the hospital bed. 

"All Might said he felt like he couldn't breath, like he saw everything in the universe but unable to do a thing about it. And then, his arm and leg were suddenly cut off. It was obviously Y/N's doing, but I never heard of someone from the Amitayus family having that ability" Present Mic said, trying to recall that kind of information. 

"He's selfish, killing all of us one by one. He deserves-"

"I can't say I don't blame him for doing this" Aizawa interrupted as he walked into the room. He held a cup of coffee in his hands, he was exhausted, unable to fall asleep at night. 

"Aizawa you can't be serious! Look at all he's done!" Yamada yelled in exasperation. 

"Have you stopped to consider all that we've done?" Aizawa fired back. The two stayed silent, listening to their coworker. 

"He's 14 years old, he was five when we marched into their home and allowed those assholes to open fire on his family" Aizawa ranted, his hands going up to his hair. Making it clear to his two friends just how stressed he is about the situation, it's eating him up on the inside. 

"We know-" Midnight started but was cut short when Aizawa threw his cup at a wall, the cup shattered on impact. 

"We didn't know shit about it but we still allowed it to happen! Not a single one of us tried to stop the gunfire. Not a single one of us stopped Rahuse and his team from dragging those girls away when he knew EXACTLY what was happening. No, each one of us kept our heads down and tried to block out all of those screams. All of the crying from those kids. I was the only one who didn't cover my ears, want to know why?! Because I felt like if I was going to let it happen anyway, I would at least give those innocent people the decency of knowing their last words weren't for deaf ears! I listened to if all and now that Y/N's back, I can't get them out of my head!" Aizawa stressed out, covering his tired features with his hands. 

"That family declared war on us Aizawa. That's the only reason why we were called to reprimand them in the first place" Yamada said with caution. 

"It doesn't matter what it was for or what the fuck they did. He was just a kid, he should be able to live his fucking life instead of going around trying to get back for what WE did" Aizawa said before heading towards the door. He paused before speaking in a quieter voice. "I just can't believe you two can't see this the way I do. Truth is, I done think any of us deserve the title of heroes"  

And with that, Aizawa left his two friends completely speechless. Neither of them noticing the quivering lip of the former number one, who heard everything the rational hero had said. 

"...Did you get the massage from Yahune and Machima?" Midnight whispered to Yamada. 

"I did, that they have leverage against Y/N" Yamada confirmed. But none of them knew what it was, just that it would bring Y/N down in an instant. 

"Let’s hope it just stops all of this, and we can get things back to the way they were" Midnight whispered, looking down at the ground. The words Aizawa unleashed on them, beginning to eat away at them. 

Were they really in the wrong here? 


"Y/N seems to have gotten out of hand. And to think we actually thought he died that day" Machima said with a smile. Her and Yahune walked the halls of Tartarus. The highest level of security prison in all of Japan. The most dangerous villains were kept there, no way out. 

"Seems so, Rahuse was stupid enough to believe the masterpiece had perished. And now he paid for it with his life" Yahune said back. 

Machima and Yahune were the two individuals who declared the slaughter of the Amitayus clan. Not only that, but also their imprisonment in order to get their hands on the perfected Amitayus, one with all of the abilities they searched for. 

"But the boy is alive and well, are we still moving on as planned?" Machima asked as they made their way to the viewing room. 

"But of course, the boy is one of a kind afterall. It would be a waste to have someone like Y/N not be used to our advantage" Yahune chuckled, swiping his card to unlock a door. 

"Glad to hear it, we definitely won't let him get away this time" Machima smiled, walking into the now opened room. 

She and Yahune went to the one way mirror, and looked down towards the cell. 

Where Y/N's grandmother was kept. 

The governments leverage, against their enemy.

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