Chapter 38: Rematch of the Decade

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Y/N smiled crazily at the citizens below him. He stood there, blood staining his face as people cheered his name over and over.

His eyes glowed, his six eyes at its fullest potential while heroes were trying to clear the area.

People were pushing back, outraged by what was shown on the screen. They felt betrayed, the Amitayus incident was never spoken of, not once. They had to find out about the horrible reality of the world from one of the worst villains to ever walk the earth.

Not only were the citizens pushing back against the heroes, but they started unleashing their quirks as well. Fires overtook some of the buildings, glass was shattering and cars were exploding. It was war down below, and Y/N could only watch in glory.

Y/N let his eyes wander to a familiar figure that stood atop UA high. He smirked and teleported in front of Toji, who looked shocked at Y/N's appearance. He had thought Y/N would have died from blood loss a while ago. The stab was fatal, living through something like that was close to impossible.

"Yo, miss me?" Y/N asked, the smile never leaving his face.

"You're still alive, for real?" Toji asked, eyes widening at the 14 year olds appearance.

"For REAL real. I feel just like new" Y/N replied, a hand going to his face before lifting his stained hair.

"I see. You used the full potential of the reverse technique. In such a short period of time" Toji gasped, looking at Y/N in shock.

"Bingo! When you stabbed and blinded me, it really made me realize how weak I was. So thank you for that, maybe I should return the favor" Y/N laughed.

"Return the favor, huh? You really think you've matched up to me in such a short period of time? Your team has been captured already, you have no one left beside you anymore. This fight has only just begun" Toji said, holding his katana lazily.

"Is that right? Maybe you're right. No, you're completely right!" Y/N laughed, throwing his hands out to the side as if he was embracing whatever Toji had to throw at him. Bring it on, is what his stance said, and Toji was all for it.

Toji smiled and ran towards Y/N at blinding speeds. With his weapon raised, he moved to slash at the teen. Y/N moved to the side, making Toji pivot fast and slash towards the side instead. Y/N jumped into the air and faced Toji, moving his hand up.

"Did you forget so easily that I have something other than infinity surrounding me? That's so embarrassing, isn't it?!" Y/N yelled, using his red glow and making Toji slam into the building opposite of UA.

Toji coughed and stood up, looking at Y/N, who still stood on top of the hero school. He looked like he was having fun. More fun than he's had in years.

"Kid's a monster" Toji muttered with a smirk, getting more riled up with the fight.

Toji popped his shoulder back in place before revealing a chained weapon, starting to swing it around himself in preparation.

Y/N was still in the air, looking at Toji without an ounce of fear. It made Toji falter a little, the glowing eyes of Y/N never leaving his own. He relaxed himself a little, continuing to swing his weapon around.

"I'll kill you this time, brat!" Toji yelled.

Y/N looked at Toji with narrowed eyes.

Sorry, everyone. I let him get the best of me before. But I'm not angry. This feeling right now, is the pleasentness of this whole damn world. Y/N thought, bring his hand up again and pointing at Toji.

"Throughout the heavens and earth, I alone am the honored one" Y/N said.

Toji left from his spot and swung his chained weapon at Y/N, which was easily avoided by the younger.

"You know so much about our clan, I'm impressed! You studied so much, you know all about red and blue techniques! But I'm sure you never heard of them both combining, right?! Is that what makes you shake to the bone?! You don't know how to deal with that shit, don't ya?" Y/N taunted, lifting his hand again.

"Purple" Y/N said, the purple glow emitting from his hands.

Y/N Amitayus. I always knew he would grow up to be a real monster. Toji thought as he got ready to retreat from the fight.

But they didn't listen to me. Toji concluded, remembering the orders to take Y/N in alive.

Which was impossible at this point.

This Kid's going to be the most powerful being the world has ever seen.

Part of Toji's body was torn off from the blast, while Y/N stood in front of his bleeding form.

"Any last words?" Y/N asked, hands in his pockets.

"...Yeah. Do me a favor, and set this whole damn world on fire!" Toji laughed, blood leaking from his mouth.

"Y/N! Don't do it!"

Y/N turned around and saw the faces of class A, staring at him with their hero costumes on.

"Ahh, you're all here then. Wonderful, I needed you guys eventually. Your timing is perfect, absolutely phenomenal" Y/N acknowledged.

"There's still a chance to stop, end this!" Midoriya continued.

"End this? You're right, let's end this! Today, let's bring all to the closer, the grand show stopper" Y/N agreed, looking back at Toji.


Y/N was behind Toji in the blink of an eye. Toji paused where he stood, before his upper body fell to the floor, for he was cut in half.

"Come on then. Why don't you stop me now, huh?! Let's end this" Y/N said, spreading his arms out.

Nacho flew from Kirishima's shoulder and to the comfort of Y/N's.

It all came down to this.

The heroes, vs the pride of the Amitayus clan.

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