Chapter 1

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Hey there.

So it has been two days since I wrote some things on you. I'm really sorry for I'm busy with school so I did not had the chance to write on you yesterday.

Yesterday was just like any other normal day... until Geannie, our HS Student President, told me about a meeting that we are going to have.

She told me to go to the school's sheds at 10:30 am... I was about ask her why when she left hurriedly because I guess she had to do more anouncing. So then I thought I'm gonna go where she told me so instead of thinking about what the meeting is about.

So, when I went there, I saw the other officers and class presidents like me waiting for the Adviser.

I sat in another shed... As I said, I'm a bit of a loner. I live in a small and limited world... "Boring" should I say.

When I sat down, and lay my head, I felt someone's appearance in front of me by the table... When I looked up, I saw Chris Monte Carlo, our HS Student Secretary. When our eyes met, he told me "You're Alexandria of II-Mercury right?" Gosh, he's so handsome. Because of my clumsiness, I looked at him for another second and then he asked me "Hey, are you alright?"

I realized I am starting to look like an idiot so I answered "Yeah... ahah.."

"Great. I'm Chris... as you may have known already..." He said as he gave me his hand as if he wanted to shake hands with me. "Oh yes of course. Who could've not known you in this Academy?" I replied not trying to show the feeling of happiness.

"Well, I just wanted to know you personally... as in formally..." he said. "Ah okay..." I replied. "So, Chris, why are we here?" I asked so that our conversation wouldn't end sadly. "Well, I've heard Geannie and Mr. Reyes talking about a seminar somewhere in Baguio about different issues about school and that only 10 students are selected." he replied. "And I'm one of them?!" I asked him. "Yes, I guess." he answered back.

Into another topic, he asked me. "Why are you away from the other officers? do you feel out of place?" I answered not really. "Then why are you here alone?" I told him I feel better alone. "That's not agood thing you know? You need to enjoy HS!" I asked him how. "You still need to learn some lessons I conclude. Well, be friends with other people!" I told him I have many friends it's just that I'm busy with school and everything. "Whatever... You know what? I have this crazy idea of spending lunch together with you today." I asked him not really. "Oh come on! How about tomorrow? on Friday?" I said "On Friday, I guess..." "Great, so now we have a deal." I asked him what the deal is all about. "The deal's about you learning from me the ways of enjoying HS. And so, you'll be spending lunch with me on Friday."

"Is it necessary?" I asked him.

"Yes" he replied.

"I just met you formally a while ago. Do you really think it is necessary?" I asked again.

"Yes. Alexandria. Trust me." he said with a wink.

Right after he answered me, Geannie came and told us about the seminar. She told us the details.

Baguio. 4am. January 16-19. Students' Responsibilities Enhancing Seminar.

I can't believe it. A seminar? in Baguio? with people I barely know?

Does it look good or bad?

The meeting lasted for two hours for we waited for the Adviser, Mr. Reyes, who came 1 hour late.

When I came back in our classroom, my day came back to normal. Lessons here, Projects there, Quizzes everywhere! wooh! I can do this!

Today, Chris excused me from our class and gave me the letter. And when I came back to our classroom, Kianna, one of my friends, teased me about Chris. "He's cute..." she teased. "I know right?" I replied. "You two would never make a good couple." she said jokingly. "What? Whatever." I replied. "I'm just joking babe, you two would make a great couple!" she said unsarcastically. "Whatever. Thanks anyways" I said.

I told Kianna about the deal and the seminar. I stated all the details.

During lunch time, I guess Kianna told the Squid Squad already about our conversation that Jasmine rushed up to me and told me as she held my shoulders "Chris? Chris Monte Carlo of HS Council Officers?" I answered. "Why are you asking me that question?" she told me "You like him?!Don't you ever like him. Don't. I'm just being a good friend." "What?! Why?! O my gosh, Jas, you're freaking me out! Why would I like him? I don't even know him deeply yet. To whom did you get that idea?!" I asked her madly. "Well, Kianna told me... Anyways, don't fall for him." she said. "Why?" I replied. "It's just that I think he's gay. You know? by the way he speaks in public." she protested. "So you held me by my shoulders, freaked me out and asked me a silly question because of a lame reason? Stop being Judgmental. It's bad." I exclaimed. "Well then, sorry. just be careful okay?" she said. "Whatever Jas." I replied.

Among the Squid Squad, Jas is the most over acting. She takes everything over actingly. She's a bit pessimistic. I somehow get pissed with her sometimes.

After my nonsense interaction with Jas, the day went smoothly.

So a lunch with Chris tomorrow, a seminar on 16 and an over acting precaucious friend.

So far so good for two days ey?

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