Chapter 3 "Beginning of storm"

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After Tommy ended his sandwich Puffy asked.

-How did you sleep last night?- she didn't want to be straight forward and ask him about everything she knew she needed to be curious with this delicate topic. Yes she would like to know everything BUT-

-It was alright- he said quickly turning away from her, she knew he was lying.

-Are you alright Tommy, we could talk- she put his hand on his shoulder and as she did he jumped way looking at her as she did something wrong.

- No touching ok....- She said that loud.

- I-I'm sorry, maybe it wasn't a good idea to meet today... stupid- he wispered the last part that Puffy didn't hear it. He was doing the heavy breathing thing. He was trying to stabilize his breathing, "It's okay" he repeated to himself over and over again till he breathed normally, after a few seconds he realised he was hugging himself tight.

-Tommy...- Puffy was terrified, she knew his state was bad but not THAT bad.

-The nightmare...- Tommy said, Puffy listened closely...

"I was in prison- it looked darker  there was no lava, it was way darker... I heard laughter... not one person, it was a combined laugh. I couldn't recognize people who were laughing but there was one person whose laughter was becoming more and more intense as the air started being more and more foggy. I heard Dream and his psychotic laughter,,, then I saw Tubbo, he looked the same like in the day I almost lost him... the day I almost failed him"

Puffy looked at Tommy who hid his head and hugged his knees.

"I almost failed him" This line was too familiar for her then she would like too...

-Can I ?- Puffy opened her arms, she didn't know what to do...

Tommy hugged her tight. Then tears fell from Puffy's eye.

"I should be the adult, I should protect you ... I almost failed               Y̷̯̾̃̉́͜h̷̠͙͈̭́̊̎́̂͌̂͒͐̿̈́̔O̷̩̩͈̲̟͕̣̼͓̲̳͍̩͐͘͝į̶̧̢̛̛̪̩̹̺̗̙͔̰̬̣̍́̅̃̏́̔̎̅̚͠Ṵ̵̟͚͉̰̥̟͍̝̮̪͗̎̍͗̐͊̃̓͝m̸͇̜͕͓̘̀͋͆̎͊̀̉̂̈"

I failed him                                                                                                                                   
I failed YOU 

Tommy's first therapy sessionWhere stories live. Discover now