Chapter 4 "Cold and snowy"

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Today was the day. Tubbo and Ranboo were meant to pack their stuff because they're gonna soon move into the big mansion that Foolish worked hard on.

-AH! This is so exciting Ranboo!- Tubbo's little goat tail was shaking and Tubbo himself was jumping around. Ranboo was happy seeing Tubbo happy. He was feeling sick since a few days back, sleepy and dizzy, kinda a mix of those two. He felt like that when he was sleepwalking but... from what he knew he wasn't any were, at least that's what he thought.

-Aren't you happy?- Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's hands and made those gold digger puppy eyes.

-I am- he smiled but he didn't mean it.

-Did you packed Michael's books?- Tubbo asked. Ranboo was so worried about the sleepwalking that he started forgetting more often since he was more stressed out. He had a nightmare last night, not a very pleasant one...

Ranboo went upstairs to pack the books.

-Hi Micha- but he wasn't there.

-Michael, Michael!- he checked Michael's favorite corner, he wasn't there either.

It was just like in his nightmare but does that mean-

"I-I was in front of Tubbo's house, Dream was with me... Tubbo wasn't there and-and Dream was talking to me and we went up stair and and he-"

Tubbo walked upstairs worried since he heard yelling.

-Ranboo?- He asked really worried. Ranboo turned.

-Tubbo where is Michael?- Ranboo asked a bit aggressively.

-He is in Puffy's house... You went with him this morning and asked Puffy if she can take care of him for a day. You don't remember?- Ranboo was less worried but Tubbo wasn't.

-Ranboo, as your (platonic) husband my duty is to be here for you tell me what's happening?

-I'm just worried- Ranboo was cut off by Tubbo.

-I get it Ranboo, parenting is a hard thing but we need to accept it- Ranboo tried to fit into situacion that he got into.

-Ye.. I'm gonna check on Michael- Ranboo stood up and went out. Tubbo just disappointedly signed... He noticed now that the carpet was dirty from.. mud?

"Who was here?" he thought to himself.

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