707 x Reader !Easter themed!

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Y/n P.O.V

I wake up expecting to see Saeyoung, but he wasn't there. 'Maybe he just woke up earlier' I slowly move the warm maroon covers off of me and stretch. I get up and walk to the bathroom to get ready. I grab the f/c toothbrush and place the bright blue toothpaste on top. I start to brush my teeth as I stare at myself in the mirror. My messy h/c hair, my (color) shorts with black tank top, and a red head in the corner.. 'Wait a red head in the corner???' I quickly wip my head to the side to see Saeyoung. "Hey y/n!! Don't come out yet until I tell you okay?" "Why-" He then runs off slamming the bedroom door after him. 'Weird' I grab my (color) brush and start to brush through my messy h/c hair.

I walk into my shared closet to find an outfit. I end up picking a soft f/c sweater with blue ripped jeans. I get dress and sit on the bed tying my (color) shoes. Once I finish I hear my phone go off. I pick it up to see a text from Saeyoung.

Saeyoung <3
You can come out now! :D


I turn off my phone, placing it in my pocket, to walk out the door. I walk outside to find our front yard to be covered in Easter eggs everywhere. 'What happened here?' I walk around exploring and find a shiny golden egg. I go to pick it up, but then Saeyoung scares me out of nowhere. "Y/N!" "AHHH SAEYOUNG WHAT THE HELL" He starts to laugh. "Wait are you in a bunny suit?" "Yes I am! I'm the Easter bunny, well supposed to be. You were about open the best egg for last." "Ah" I click my tongue. He takes off the bunny head as he signs. "Well what are you waiting for? Go!" He hands me a f/c basket and shoos me off. I start going around the yard picking up the eggs opening them. Some I find photos of me and Saeyoung at different places, gifts that he gave me, our favorite candy, and more.

I finally get to the last egg, the golden egg. "So you like the eggs so far?" Saeyoung asks me with a huge smile. "There amazing and cute! I really want to see this last one!" "Wait!" I stop myself before picking it up. "Let me open it with you okay?" I nod letting him grab the egg. He starts to get down on one need holding the egg towards me in the air.

"Y/n, you the most amazing person I have ever met! I love you so much, so I wanted to ask..." He opens the egg revealing a shiny silver ring with a f/c gem on it. "Will you marry me?" I gasp in shop dropping the basket. I start to cry from happiness. "Y-yes!!! Of course Saeyoung!!" I ran towards him engulfing him in a hug. He starts to cry softly as he hugs me back. We eventually pull apart, and he slides the ring on my ring finger. "It looks great on you" he says to me as he kisses my cheek. I smile towards him before pulling him into a full on kiss.

707 x reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now