707 x Reader !Kids/heros!

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Thanks to Jalynnrex for the idea and feel free to recommend any from my conversation comment! :D

Y/n P.O.V

"Mom/ Dad/ Parent!!!!! Wake up already!!!" I wake up to see two cute red head twins on me. "No I don't want to!!! I wanna go back to dreaming..." I pretend to fall back asleep to only be attacked by the children again. "Don't make us get dad on you!!!" The female twin named (female twin name) yelled while poking my face over and over. "Yeah and he will get ya!!!" The male twin named (male twin name) yelled while attacking my stomach. "Fine! Y'all win okay?!?" I start to sit up while nocking the two mini crackheads off of me.

"Hahaha! We win!!!" They yelled in sinc while doing a high five. I go to the closet to steal one of Saeyoung's hoodies, putting it on, and walking out with mini Saeyoungs following me. "Where is my lovely sidekicks and damsel?!?" I hear a male yell in the distance. "Right here dad!!!" They yell out grabbing his attention. "Ah yes! Are you all ready to go on a dangerous mission!" "Ooooh!!!" The minis say in sinc once again. "Where will this dangerous mission be at?" I ask. "Well of course the secret layer of the evil and cruel Jumin Han!!!"

"Let's get em dad!!!" The twins yell with their fists in the air. "That's a bad idea..." I mumble out loud which catches my husband's attention. "We have to save Elizabeth the 3rd!!! Right sidekicks!!!" He yells out. "Yeah!!!" 'You all are going to be the death of me.' "Defender of Justice..." "Yes, ma'am?" "I, Defender of (anything), agree to take park in this mission." All their eyes start to glow up in excitement. "THEN LETS GOOOO!!!" Saeyoung's grabs my arm and pulls me out of the house with the kids following behind. "I DON'T HAVE ANY PROPER CLOTHES ON!!!" I yelled, panicked. "ITS FINE WE HAVE SOME IN THE DEFENDER- JET!" "WHA?" Then I get shoved into our car. I sign and grab some clothes I find to change before the kids come in. I finished and motion for them to come in as we drive off to Jumin's.

"We are here fellow heros!!!" We all get out of the car and nock on the door. The door opens to see Jumin. "What the-" He notices the kids. "Oh hello! Why are you here?" He says correcting himself. "We are here to TAKE BACK ELIZABETH!!!" Jumin's eyes widen in shock. Then he smiles. "Never" They gasp. "CHILDREN AND BABE LETS INVADE HIS HOUSE!!!" They push Jumin out of the way bursting inside his house. I giggle as I walk in calmly while greeting Jumin. "BE CAREFUL CHILDREN AND MAN CHILD THERE ARE TRAPS!" I yelled earning a complaint from Saeyoung. "IM NOT A CHILD IM A HERO BABE!" I laugh with Jumin. "Where is the cat anyways?" Jumin clicks his tongue before saying "right there" I look forward to see the sleeping beauty of white fluff asleep on the couch. "What idiots" I giggle out. Eventually they come running back down to us out of breath. "We... *inhale* can't *exhale* find her" (female twin name) says. "We *exhale* looked *inhale* everywhere" (male twin name) says. "She's right there guys" I say whiling pointing to her. They gasp and run up to her. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" Jumin yells as he runs to protect his cat. Saeyoung decides to join in trying to fend off Jumin as the kids pick up Elizabeth and make a run for it. I stand there, laughing, with a smile on my face. 'What a crazy family we have made'

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