707 x Reader !Cat!

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Y/n P.O.V

*purr purrr* I slowly pet the purring cat in my lap. It was a soft yellow color with light stripes covering its body. It has very soft fur and adorable green eyes. 'I can't believe you were a stray' I hear the steps come closer to where I was until they fill out sprint. I then felt the cat get yanked out of my hands. I look up to see Saeyoung holding the cat while spinning and jumping. "ITS SO CUTE!!!" He keeps repeating over and over. "Saeyoung! You should stop before you hurt her." He stops letting the cat jump out of his hands. The cat then runs up to my lap again for safety.

"It's a she?" He asks me with his eyes filled with admiration towards the feline. "Yes. I found her outside earlier starving, so I brought her in to feed her." "Can we keep her?!?!" He yells begging. "Yes" He gasps at the approval. "What should we name her?" I start to think of name suggestions while he keeps spitting some out. "ELIZABETH THE 4TH!!! LIZZY" "Ginger" I suggest. 'It fits well with the color of her coat.' "Ginger hmm... could we also call her Giny?" "Sure that will be cute" I say with a small smile. "Welcome to the family Giny!!!" He says as he throws his hands in the air. "Saeyoung... if we are going to keep her we need to get her all she needs." He stops his mini dance and looks towards me. "We could go later today to the pet store and... BRING GINY!!!" He says with excitement. "Yeah we could if we had a pet carrier..." His face becomes a frown before it turns back up. "I CAN GET ONE NOW THEN WE CAN GO TOGETHERRR!!!" He yells while running out the apartment. 'Odd' Ginger begins to purr softly in my lap as she slowly falls asleep. I pet her head softly while smiling.


Y/n P.O.V

"IM BACK!" I wake up to see Saeyoung holding a pet carrier. He walks over to us as he sets it down in the floor. "Ginger... we have to go to the store." He says in a soft genitalia voice. The feline slowly wakes up from the disturbance. He picks her up while she is sleepy to put her into the carrier. He then locks the door softly. "Ready to go?" He asks me. I nod and follow him out the apartment to the car to go to the pet shop.

We arrive there after a bit. I pick up the carrier holding the sleepy feline and walk in with Saeyoung. The bell rings as we walk in to alert the workers. Ginger meows softly at us as we walk down the food section. I grab a few cans of cat food and some dry food bags. I look to my right to see Saeyoung sneak cat treats in the cart. 'Should I point it out?' I chose to ignore it and continue to shop. We finally reach the pet toys. I grab a f/c mouse and wave it in front of Ginger. Her eyes widen from curiosity as she try's her best to attack it through the crate door. I giggle and put the mouse in the cart. I then grab some more cat toys with Saeyoung. We go to the cashier to check out and pay. As we walk out to the car I ask Saeyoung "So, how much was it?" He stays quiet for a minute before whispering "$123.67.." "SAEYOUNG CHOI THATS ALOT OF MONEY!! He runs into the driver seat locking the door to avoid me. I grab the expensive supplies and load up the car. I carry the cat in the carrier and go into the passenger seat. "We're broke now.." I whisper lowly. Saeyoung starts to laugh. "It's fine it's for our child anyways." I start to blush at the last his statement. 'Our child'

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