Love is not hard. People are hard.
Hard to understand. Hard to hold on to. Hard to let go of. Hard to forget .
And hard to love.
He slowly leaned closer to me , lifted his head and slowly place those soft lips on top of my lips. I didn't even had time to react . His lips feels soft tho... and he already pulled away. Oh so soon. Did I just thought that? I must be losing my mind. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me with those deep black eyes. I am staring back at him with my mouth open . I am pretty sure I look like a frog with open mouth.
He slowly leaned into me again and placed his lips on me , He bit on my lower lips slowly and put his tongue inside me. Is this what people call French kiss? Well this kiss gives me current all over my body and makes my heart beat faster. When I started to feel breathless and hot all over my body, he pulled away and gave me his smile while I am still trying to regain my breathe. Okay this is dangerous cause I almost forgot to breathe. I just had my first kiss wow.
"Sorry if it made you uncomfortable . I just couldn't resist myself after seeing those lips." He said slowly awkwardly scratching his head. I just smiled back at him saying , " Chill, It wasn't that bad to apologize." " So , Can we try again some other day ?" He said with a grin on his face . It took me a minute to realize what he was talking about. Hotness slowly crept upon my cheeks " Haha nice joke " I replied throwing people at his face. He faked gasped and started to wipe his nonexistent tears " How can you hit me for whole life nobody has even dared to touch me and you hit me with pillow . " He said making a sad voice. Woah , This guy should just go and play a movie . He could win an oscar with his acting.
"Sure . I am sorry your royal highness . How can I make it up to you?" I said with a sarcastic voice.
"Make me some ramen . I have always wanted to try that." He said with a grin.
" You have some serious obsession with Asian food Don't you? " I said making my way towards kitchen . He followed me in kitchen.
I took two packets of ramen from cupboard and start boiling water while I placed pan on another gas . I took two eggs from refrigerator and kimchi . He waited around in table . I fried egg and distribute ramen into two portions . He slowly put the ramen into his mouth and moaned saying , " I didn't knew Ramen tasted that delicious ."
" Will you stop moaning while eating ?" I said taking a bite from ramen.
" But it tastes so good that I can't stop moaning. I just want to have ramen for my whole life now." He said moaning. I just gave him a smile and ate ramen . We ate ramen in peace and when we both had finished eating he snatched bowl from my hands and made his way towards dishes. He put apron and that apron fit him so perfectly. Can I watch him do dishes all life? He looks so good on that. He noticed me staring at him and asked , " You like the view?"
I replied, " Yes I do. " My choice of words made to seem him speechless . He just stared at me with a blush slowly appearing on his cheeks and hurriedly focused on his dishes . He looks cute with a blush.
Author's Note: Guess who is back? lol It's me haha . Anyways I have decided to update this book every Friday. I am gonna be consistent this time. So, guys see you around. Leave your comments below on thoughts. Bye.
- Aleesa.

The Bad Boy and The chubby girl
JugendliteraturMeet Alissa: she is a girl who is fat but she isn't someone who gets bullied but does stop bullying. She is a strong hearted girl & frank to everyone but she has her own scars and pain to hide. Meet Robin : The guy who loves bike more than anything...