Chapter 11

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"You're beautiful because you know your own darkness and still, that alone doesn't stops you from finding your own light."
- R.M Drake.

Alissa's POV :
After listening a hour lecture of principal we are now cleaning the cafeteria. Everyone made this mess and still why do we have to clean it. Ughh.
As a punishment Robin and I am assigned to clean the class for a week. Mark and Cindy are assigned to clean male and female washroom.

After one hour we are finally done with cleaning . I look at the watch and realized that I am late for my shift today. I quickly grab my backpack and make my way out of school.
I look for my earphones cause it is a second thing I can't live without.
Shit! Where did it go?
I glanced the watch and realized I am very late so ignoring to search for earphones I run towards the cafe.

Finally done. I looked for my earphones every where in my bag earlier maybe I left it in the school.
I will go very early tomorrow to school.
As I was walking in home I get a call and the name is " Don't pick up."
Why is Robin calling me this late?
I don't know why but I pressed the accept button.

"Don't you think you left something important to me?"  He said with a cheerful voice.
"What?" I asked with annoyance.
" Your heart." And he laughed.  I started to feel hot suddenly. My face suddenly felt very hot. It must be because it's hot. It's night time and it's not hot.
I must be going crazy to blush by just hearing his  laugh.
You are fall... Shut the fuck up.
" Do you want it or not?" He said.
I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even heard what he was saying.
" Sorry? Can you please repeat again?"
" I said date in exchange of your earphones." He replied.
Date  is he drunk? Wait... He said.. earphones and he said mine too. What?
" How do you got my earphones? " I shouted furiously.
" Now.. now my dear volcanic chubs. Calm down. Will you?"  He replied calmly.
" No I am not going... Wait did he call me volcanic chubs and I even replied...
I heard a laugh again.
" Bye."
Date with me tomorrow was the last thing before I ended the call.
I am really going crazy.

I woke up early today cause I have to get ready for school. Says the one who gets ready for school in 5 mins. Sometimes my inner voice act so smart... It is important for me to get ready to be tidy student in school.   pretty for a date.
Ha! As if!
I added mascara on my lashes , light blush in cheeks , made my brows and finally a light brown lipstick.
I can do make up actually I love doing make up but in school who will choose make up over sleep. Not me.

I noticed Cindy gaping at me as soon as she saw me.
" make...up o..n youuuu..r faaaa..ce." she exclaimed.
She knows that I never put make up on school but this reaction is too much.
" What's the special occasion? " She winked by bumping her shoulders.
" Nothing special. Just felt like adding little bit of make up." I shrugged.
She gave me the look that she knows that there is something else. When I didn't said anything she said , "Fine I trust you."
I just gave my large smile to her.

I did saw Robin in every classes but we didn't spoke to each other.
Before a lunch break I received a text.
" Excited for our date in lunch time."
- Don't pick up.

I smiled and looked back to his seat . As soon he noticed me he gave me a wink. I quickly turned my head to the whiteboard and blushed. He shouldn't see me like this.

" In your dreams. Play boy. "
I replied him back.

As Soon as the bell rang I quickly made my way towards locker. I am hungry and... Whatever.
I am just going in this date because of my earphones.
I didn't even waited for Cindy and ran towards cafeteria.

There was completely opposite of what I expected in a cafeteria. The scene that I was seeing right now made me left my mouth hanging wide with shock.

Author's note :  First I am sorry for not updating at the time I promised to. I was just caught up in my works. Thank you for being patient and reading my slow updates. I love you guys. Enjoy . Vote , comment and share .

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