"You're beautiful because you know your own darkness and still, that alone doesn't stops you from finding your own light."
- R.M Drake.Alissa's POV :
After listening a hour lecture of principal we are now cleaning the cafeteria. Everyone made this mess and still why do we have to clean it. Ughh.
As a punishment Robin and I am assigned to clean the class for a week. Mark and Cindy are assigned to clean male and female washroom.After one hour we are finally done with cleaning . I look at the watch and realized that I am late for my shift today. I quickly grab my backpack and make my way out of school.
I look for my earphones cause it is a second thing I can't live without.
Shit! Where did it go?
I glanced the watch and realized I am very late so ignoring to search for earphones I run towards the cafe.Phew!
Finally done. I looked for my earphones every where in my bag earlier maybe I left it in the school.
I will go very early tomorrow to school.
As I was walking in home I get a call and the name is " Don't pick up."
Why is Robin calling me this late?
I don't know why but I pressed the accept button."Don't you think you left something important to me?" He said with a cheerful voice.
"What?" I asked with annoyance.
" Your heart." And he laughed. I started to feel hot suddenly. My face suddenly felt very hot. It must be because it's hot. It's night time and it's not hot.
I must be going crazy to blush by just hearing his laugh.
You are fall... Shut the fuck up.
" Do you want it or not?" He said.
I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even heard what he was saying.
" Sorry? Can you please repeat again?"
" I said date in exchange of your earphones." He replied.
Date is he drunk? Wait... He said.. earphones and he said mine too. What?
" How do you got my earphones? " I shouted furiously.
" Now.. now my dear volcanic chubs. Calm down. Will you?" He replied calmly.
" No I am not going... Wait did he call me volcanic chubs and I even replied...
I heard a laugh again.
" Bye."
Date with me tomorrow was the last thing before I ended the call.
I am really going crazy.I woke up early today cause I have to get ready for school. Says the one who gets ready for school in 5 mins. Sometimes my inner voice act so smart... It is important for me to get ready to be tidy student in school. pretty for a date.
Ha! As if!
I added mascara on my lashes , light blush in cheeks , made my brows and finally a light brown lipstick.
I can do make up actually I love doing make up but in school who will choose make up over sleep. Not me.I noticed Cindy gaping at me as soon as she saw me.
"You...ha..ve make...up o..n youuuu..r faaaa..ce." she exclaimed.
She knows that I never put make up on school but this reaction is too much.
" What's the special occasion? " She winked by bumping her shoulders.
" Nothing special. Just felt like adding little bit of make up." I shrugged.
She gave me the look that she knows that there is something else. When I didn't said anything she said , "Fine I trust you."
I just gave my large smile to her.I did saw Robin in every classes but we didn't spoke to each other.
Before a lunch break I received a text.
" Excited for our date in lunch time."
- Don't pick up.I smiled and looked back to his seat . As soon he noticed me he gave me a wink. I quickly turned my head to the whiteboard and blushed. He shouldn't see me like this.
" In your dreams. Play boy. "
I replied him back.As Soon as the bell rang I quickly made my way towards locker. I am hungry and... Whatever.
I am just going in this date because of my earphones.
I didn't even waited for Cindy and ran towards cafeteria.There was completely opposite of what I expected in a cafeteria. The scene that I was seeing right now made me left my mouth hanging wide with shock.
He...Author's note : First I am sorry for not updating at the time I promised to. I was just caught up in my works. Thank you for being patient and reading my slow updates. I love you guys. Enjoy . Vote , comment and share .

The Bad Boy and The chubby girl
Teen FictionMeet Alissa: she is a girl who is fat but she isn't someone who gets bullied but does stop bullying. She is a strong hearted girl & frank to everyone but she has her own scars and pain to hide. Meet Robin : The guy who loves bike more than anything...