and it was the way she laughed, I knew I wanted that in my life.
-R.M Drake
Note: This chapter is written on third person basis.
The constant running inside and outside of nurse and doctor was making Robin panicked. It had already passed 6 hours yet still there were no sign of doctors coming out. And the constant rush of the nurse in the Emergency Room was making him more panicked. She has to be safe. If something ever happens to her he don't know if he will be able to forgive himself.
After waiting for 8 hrs, he finally saw the doctor coming out. The grim look on doctor face could already tell that he is gonna listen something not so good. But as long as she is alive he is willing to do anything for her recovery but what if she isn't?
The doctor had to think and speak very carefully because if he speaks one word carelessly then the man before him can destroy his career and the hospital in a one phone call. The impatient look on Robin face was making him more panicked. He knows this man doesn't speaks much but when he does it's very deadly . He realised that the person he operated was very important to this guy standing before him. The doctor had never seen the look of panic in this guy face and the way he was shouting to everyone proved how much he cared. This guy spoke more than ten words to him because of this girl.
"Ummm.....Mr.Robin....I don...t kn....o..w how to say... th...issss." The doctor started to shuttered. Robin was already impatient and hearing this doctor talk in this way made him feel more insecure. But still he kept cool facade on his face. " Will you fucking speak or shall I make you quiet forever?" He asked with a deadly voice.
"The operation on her kidney was fine but her brain operation situation is kinda complicated. She is safe but it seems she has been taking anti depressant and sleep medicine which has managed to create a negative effect on her brain.Noticing her cuts all over wrist and body we doctor think that she has been a victim of bully. The physical brain is completely okay but her mental health has issues. You need to take extra care of her . Don't give her any stress to her mind and keep her away from those anti depressant and sleep medicine cause a little bit of overdose can end her life."
When Robin heard she was safe other things didn't mattered. He will do anything to improve her mental condition. She is his saviour he can't let happen anything to her. If that day she hadn't held her hands then he wouldn't be here today. He always wondered why she wore full sleeves clothes but now he finally realised the reason. He made a promise to himself that he will never let her suffer as long as he's by his side.
He just nodded his head to the doctor. The doctor finally sighed of relief. They had barely managed to save her if they hadn't put their best they could that girl wouldn't be alive today. "You can visit the patient now she will be conscious in the tomorrow morning." The doctor said that and turned away.
Robin quietly opened the door of the hospital room. He saw her figure lying there she looked like she was in deep sleep. He quietly wiped his tears and and made his way towards the girl. He thanked god inwardly for keeping her safe. The boy who never believed in God had prayed and thanked God today. He had prayed to God only twice and this was third time. He quietly move towards her bed not trying to make a sound like she would disturb her sleep.
He slowly held her hand. He slowly touched all of the scars on her hand. Some of them were very deep he could say how deep the scar was and he knew how much pain she had suffered to become numb to this cuts. Because he has his own scars deeper than that in his hand.He held her hands and made a promise. " I Robin will never let you suffer alone and will never leave you alone. I will be there in your tough times. I will fill your life with happiness." He said it in a low voice but someone had listened to his prayer even though he didn't knew she had heard.
In the afternoon she slowly opened her eyes and slowly moved her eyes. She felt her left hand was numb and when she glanced at her left hand side she saw him lying down. He was holding her hand his head was above her hand. His lashes looked like a fake lashes, the messy hair, there was no wrinkle on his friend. He looked so young and so flawless when he slept. She could notice the dark circles under his eyes though. She slowly brought her hand touched his hair very slowly and swiftly. No one knows how long she kept staring at him not even her. After a long time she felt him moving so she quickly shut her eyes pretending to be asleep.
As soon as he opened his eyes he looked at her hoping she had already opened her eyes but seeing her asleep like she was yesterday. He panicked. The doctor had told him she would wake by morning. He is so gonna kill the doctor. She was quietly looking at him. Noticing anger filling up on his face she wondered what happened. He went outside and called over doctor . As soon the doctor entered the room he shouted," You told me she would wake by morning. It's already afternoon. Why hasn't she woke up yet? " She could see the look of worry and panic on his face but still she wanted him to worry more even though she felt kinda bad. But no complains cause she was enjoying the look in doctor face and Robin face expression made her somehow happy.
She slowly opened her eyes the look of panic and worry disappeared and was full of surprise and happiness. She swore she saw tears forming in his eyes.
She slowly spoke,"Robin?"
Author's Note: Thank you everyone for your support to this book. I update slow but still you guys stick around. It really makes me glad. Do vote comment and share. Lots of love.MY IG : aleesa_grg . Please follow me. Lots of love. BYE. ;)

The Bad Boy and The chubby girl
Teen FictionMeet Alissa: she is a girl who is fat but she isn't someone who gets bullied but does stop bullying. She is a strong hearted girl & frank to everyone but she has her own scars and pain to hide. Meet Robin : The guy who loves bike more than anything...