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"Ready?" Dražen only nodded his head, words weren't needed at all. Vuk grabbed the doorknob and swiftly opened the doors. As soon as they stepped inside, Dražen was greeted by a large group of people, same loud cheerful sounds and music from the improvised instruments. He couldn't help but laugh at amusing sight of people clumsily dancing around. Vuk dragged him through the busy crowd, while Dražen held his hand tightly. If he lost Vuk in this sea of humans, it'd be very hard to find him. Dražen looked at people and their happy faces. It was a whole other world down there. People of all ages, nationalities and races were together, dancing and drinking in a rushing crowd. They didn't care about things like money and status, they were free from all the things that made world rotten.

"What is this music?" Dražen spoke loudly, trying to make Vuk hear him.

"It's the irish! They sure know their stuff!" Vuk answered.

While trying to get through the dancing crowd, Dražen would hit people accidentaly. He'd apologise, but none of them seemed to mind, they all were so carefree and most importantly, none of them seemed to care that a first class member just joined them. It made Dražen feel all sorts of happy, this is what he never got to experience, but always wanted to.

As people sang words in many different languages, Vuk made it to a group of tables. He pointed at a free seat and let Dražen take it. When Dražen sat down and after he took a moment to breathe, he noticed another guy sitting across from him. He looked like he was half-asleep and half-awake. His brown eyes were lost while his hair covered most of his face. He didn't seem to notice Dražen when he took a sip from his bottle. Vuk placed a hand on unknown guy's shoulder and shook it, to bring his dreamy head back to reality.

"Enis!" He yelled into his ear.

"You don't have to yell, I can hear you!" Enis yelled back at Vuk, placing a bottle back to the table.

As they yelled words, to purposely piss each other off, Dražen noticed other two men sitting close to Enis. One of them was a ravenette, with forest green eyes. While the other one had strawberry blond hair and brownish eyes. Before Dražen arrived, they were drinking and minding their own business, but now their interest seemed to lit up. They both stared at Dražen, but not with an intention to be rude. It was just pure curiosity. Before Dražen could react to them, Vuk decided to introduce them to Dražen.

"This is Dražen," Vuk said, pointing over at hazel eyes who stared at them with amusement. Ravenette and his friend nodded their heads as they gave him welcoming smiles.

"I'm Vlad, this is Boris," he said, romanian accent brushing his words. Vlad pointed at his ravenette friend who only nodded his head at them. Boris took a sip of his drink, he glanced at Dražen once more before looking at Enis and Vuk.

Enis' brown orbs slowly moved towards Dražen. When his eyes landed on him, he took a few moments to stare before he started coughing. Vuk rolled his eyes and hit Enis' back a few times. Dražen couldn't help but laugh at their behaviour. He wasn't the only one though, Vlad and Boris laughed along with him too. They were free from all the manners and formalities that it took Dražen some time to get used to it.

"I'm Enis," he introduced himself, not trying hard to sound formal. Dražen smiled while nodding his head. It was hard to hear what he was saying, because of how loud people were there. Space was filled with all sorts of melodies. Still, he didn't mind, in fact, he enjoyed it. This place was so alive, unlike the dark and monotone first class.

Enis looked like he had no care in the world. He didn't pay attention to anything and he was really calm. Dražen thought that he wouldn't change his behaviour even if there was a disaster going on. Boris and Vlad both shared his features. Enis took another sip from his bottle, Vuk gave him a small glare before his attention was aimed towards the bottle in Enis' hands.

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