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Dražen and Vuk ran as fast as they could, cold water making it harder for them to move. First class was filled with water, chairs and tables were scattered around together with random items. Quicker than the wind, Dražen and Vuk entered another first class room, but this one wasn't empty. Mr. Kirkland stood there, with his back facing them. His eyes were focused on the clock above him. Dražen and Vuk ran up to him, just to see guilt covering shipbuilder's face.

"I'm sorry that I didn't build a better ship for all of you." Mr. Kirkland said as he faced them with an apologetic look on his face.

"Aren't you gonna try to save yourself?" Dražen asked, but the expression on englishman's face was enough of an answer for him.

"Good luck to you, be fast." Mr. Kirkland said, getting a nod from them in response. Before Vuk and Dražen could leave, Mr. Kirkland stopped them as he took a lifebelt from a table near him. He handed the lifebelt to Dražen, giving him one more look of regret.

"Take this, Dražen. You'll need it."

"Thank you..." Dražen said before him and Vuk left the room, leaving Mr. Kirkland alone with his ship again. Kirkland looked up at the clock once again, before objects around him started to fall and slide to the other side of the room. Half of Titanic was sucked into the ocean.


Up on the deck, people lost every sense for calm and rational thinking. All of the classes were present, making the deck insanely crowded. Passengers screamed, yelled and begged officers to let them survive. Deck was filled with rushing people and crew members who tried to keep an order, but it was impossible. Titanic's bow was fully swallowed by water, making it harder for people to keep a balance while walking. Not many lifeboats were left, that fact made many of the passengers turn to their survival instincts that they won't make it if they just stand there and wait.

Some of them tried to fight with officers, jump into the lifeboat from the lower deck or dress up as a woman to get a pass. Whole chaos and disbalance caused one of the officers to take his gun out and shout.

"STAY AWAY!" He yelled as he pointed his gun at passengers who desperately tried to get into the lifeboat. "If any of you try to get your way here I will kill you right this instant!"

People screamed and cried in response, but officers still had none of it. They tried to keep an order no matter what. Third class men fought with one officer on the other side, one of those men was Enis.

"Can't you see? People are out of control! Just let us have a chance!" Enis shouted. Officer took a gun from his coat and pointed it at them as a warning.

"Stay away! I'm trying to do my bloody job here!" He said as he tried to help the woman step into the lifeboat. Once he did, he turned around just to see one of the men climbing the rope and trying to jump into the lifeboat. Officer aimed his gun at him and shot him, making the passengers back away in fear. Enis gave him a glare, partly filled with disbelief.

"You're killing people instead of saving them!" He yelled at the officer, making the crowd behind him yell back in a supportive manner. "You cruel-"

"Shut your mouth!" And before officer could think twice, he aimed his gun and shot Enis too. Enis' clothes got covered with red colour, one of the third class men caught him before he could fall down. Officer's eyes widened, his breath got trapped in his throat as he realized what he had just done. Slowly he backed away as he watched people help Enis stand back up, but he was badly wounded. Somewhere in the crowd, Šćepan and Janez noticed an angry pit before they saw a familiar man lying on the edge of death.

"Enis!" Šćepan yelled as he ran up to him, Janez trying to keep up. Enis' eyes were glowless, his face made no motion anymore. As every sign of life faded away, Šćepan pierced a glare through officer, who stood still in disbelief of his own actions. As people continued to cut with harsh words, officer slowly walked backwards, his face making no expressions at all. Slowly, he looked up at another officer who came to help him out, but he didn't need it anymore. He aimed the gun towards himself, making the other officer look at him with pleading eyes.

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