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Dražen was back in his room. He walked around, he was alone with his thoughts. He tried to ignore his heart and distract his brain, but conversation with Vuk was constantly repeating itself. He realized that it's useless to ignore it. He thought and thought, it started to turn into overthinking. It felt like he was going in circles, Dražen was desperately trying to ignore his feelings, but it didn't work. He knew what he had to do. Vuk was right, Dražen had to do something. It was now or never.

Still, he was afraid, but not of his parents. He was afraid that Vuk doesn't want to talk to him anymore, that he doesn't even wanna see him after all of that happened. Dražen realized that he can't just lie there and assume things for the rest of the day, he had to see it for himself. He stood up and got ready to leave, but then he heard the doors being open. He thought that it was his parents, but he was wrong. It was Elizabeta, she slowly stepped inside of his room, giving him an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry to come uninvented, Dražen," she apologised. "I just wanted to tell you something. It won't take long."

Dražen wasn't sure if he should be worried or not, but he had no time to guess. "Go ahead." He said.

Elizabeta nodded her head, taking a quick breath in after it. "I know that you're not happy with this. I won't boss you around like my father," she started, Dražen gave her a confused, but relieved look. "In other words, you don't owe me anything. I know how it is to feel defeated, you should be able to choose what you want. I just wanted you to know that." She finished, giving him a comforting smile as her green eyes sparkled.

Dražen was suddenly hit with newborn sparks of joy while he smiled back at her. Elizabeta was a good person, she was actually in a situation similar to Dražen's. She wasn't able to disobey her parents, but she will do the right thing if it meant helping others.

"Thank you." Dražen said softly and then walked out from his room, immediately heading to find Vuk.


He felt anxious and scared. He still thought that Vuk doesn't want to do anything with him anymore, but he had to talk with him one more time. When Dražen made it to the Grand Staircase, he quickly went up and stepped outside the deck. As soon as he got outside, wind moved his hair in front of his eyes while he tried to warm up, holding the fabric of his clothes tighter. After a few minutes of walking, Dražen made it to the bow of the ship.

He saw Vuk leaning against the fence at the very center of the bow, his eyes gazing upon the sunset while wind moved his hair aside. Dražen carefully walked towards him, soon making his presence clear.

"Hello, Vuk." Dražen said, almost whispered. His voice brought Vuk back to reality as he looked back at Dražen. Vuk's eyes lit up when he realized that Dražen is really there and that he's not just dreaming it.

"I changed my mind," Dražen continued as he walked closer to him, Vuk kept looking back at soft, hazel eyes with a small flush on his face. "I thought about what you said, and I...I think-"

But before he could speak his mind out, Vuk placed his finger on his lips to silence him. Dražen looked up at him confused.

"Shh, come here," Vuk said as he took Dražen's hand gently. "Close your eyes." Vuk said. Dražen didn't know what he was up to, but he did as he was told. He closed his eyes slowly, his thoughts rushed and mixed together. What is he gonna do? Same question repeated in Dražen's mind over and over again, but answer was nowhere to be seen. Vuk helped Dražen walk forwards the railing, while staying close behind him.

"Step up the railing and keep your eyes closed." Vuk added. Dražen's heart raced while Vuk helped him to step onto the railing. As soon as Dražen's legs were standing steady on the railing, Vuk stepped onto the railing after Dražen, taking a few seconds to balance himself. After he did, he took Dražen's arms and rose them gently until Dražen was standing with his arms widely spread. Dražen kept his eyes closed, his breath getting nervous while wind brushed his warm face. Vuk slowly wrapped his arms around Dražen's waist and leaned his head close to Dražen's ear.

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