Ghost Story

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Destiny's Bounty, West of the Sea of Sands

    The alarm light came on as radar pinged a very fast paced object. "Okay, now those lights scare me. We got something on our six." Nya called out, reading the warning signs. "Now it's on our seven and approaching eight." She tracked. The rest of the ninja team looked out the windows to a ghost dragon flying alongside them, it's rider hidden under the thick cloak. 
    “Take positions.” Wu ordered. The four ninja boys got their ninja hoods on and ran out onto the deck of the ship. “I’ll give you this much. That girl never quits.” Cole commented. The dragon turned it’s head and spat a ball of green flame at the bounty. “Port side!” Zane called and Nya took a hold of the wheel and spun it. The ship tilted, flying into some storm clouds and the fire ball missed.
    Jay grabbed a hold of the wall to steady himself from the sudden turn. He then caught sight of Wu. “Let me get this straight. You're just telling us now that you had other pupils before us, and now one has abducted Lloyd, all so that she can take your staff?” Jay asked. 
    “Mikasa won't stop until she gets what she's after. There's a secret message engraved on it. All these years, I had no idea.” Wu glanced down to inspect the staff. All this time he had figured the slightly raised bits were only caused by age or damage. Jay nervously laughed as he turned to look back at the dragon. “Of course. Just another day in Ninjago.” He joked. Nya turned the bounty again to avoid another ball of green flame and Jay slipped a little.
    Mika urged the dragon to fly alongside the bounty as she bunched up her legs, putting as much strength in them as she could. She leapt off her mount and onto the deck of the bounty. The girl then squared up against the group of ninja and sensei. 
    “I need ink and parchment to make an imprint to see what's on the staff.” Wu ordered, watching Mikasa carefully to see what she would do next. Zane nodded. “Kai and I will take you to our quarters while Jay and Cole will keep him busy.” He offered. Sensei Wu agreed and the three ran towards the stairs to the lower deck. “Oh, that's honorable of you to nominate us.” Cole sassed as they passed. “Yeah, we didn't fare so hot last time. Why is it you get off with the easy task?” Jay asked. Zane stopped for a moment to smile at them. “Because I'm the intelligent one.” He chirped, continuing to run after Wu and Kai.
    Cole and Jay then turned their gaze back at Mika. “How about we have a nice chat?” Jay asked, holding his hands out in front of him. The girl snorted. “After you give me the staff, then we can have a nice, long, conversation about how insufferable you lot are.” She charged, throwing the blue ninja into the railing. She snatched his katana from the scabbard and used it to block a hit from Cole’s sword. “Hey, that’s my sword!” Jay complained.
    Nya was ripped from the steering wheel as the bounty was suddenly thrown to its side. The ghost dragon had it's body slammed into the side and growled in pride at it’s work. Cole and Jay slid overboard, just barely catching the rail. Mika stabbed the katana into the wooden deck of the bounty just in time and used it to throw herself under the deck, closer to where she guessed the staff now was.
    Mikasa pulled herself down the hallway, coming face to face with the sensei, white, and red ninja. “Go, Sensei. Kai and I will hold her back.” Zane announced. Wu nodded and ran down the hallway as his two students got into a fighting stance. Mika rolled her eyes from under her wooden mask. “I’m going to get that staff eventually.” The girl promised. “Not if we have any say in it.” Kai glared. 
    The ship swerved as the ghost dragon bashed into the other side, wood splintering under the force. A wooden crate slid down the hall and bashed into Zane, knocking him down as the items from the box covered him. Mika held back a laugh in favor of shoving Kai against a wall. “You really think your little team is going to take me down without its green savior in the lead?” The girl taunted. Kai shoved her back. “I'll lead them. And make sure you go down if it's the last thing I do!”
    Nya managed to grab the wheel as a mountain came into view between the fog and clouds. She put on the boosters, causing the ghost dragon to miss it’s charge. Nya then pulled back the wheel, trying her best to get over the mountain. The bounty skidded against the top, causing a  hole to open up in the side and Nya was thrown away from the steering wheel and into a wall for what had to be a second time. 
    Wind whipped through the hole and Kai nearly fell out, just managing to catch onto a plank of wood. Mika held onto the nearest object to keep herself from falling. “Fall!” The girl cheered.
    “I'm coming, Kai!” Zane called but the bounty took that as an opportune moment to lurch, sending the nindroid into another wall. 
    “Hey!” Another voice yelled. Mika glanced back and saw Sensei Wu holding onto a door frame. He held the bamboo staff out. “You want the staff? Take it!” He threw it out the hole in the wall. Mikasa watched as it tumbled out. “Snake better catch me…” She growled to herself. She jumped out, catching the staff in midair. The ghost dragon abandoned the bounty and plummeted after her, catching the girl in between its claws and flying up.
    “Thanks.” She huffed, not too sure if the undead dragon even understood her. She watched as smoke puffed from the flying ship’s engine and it started falling out of the sky and down towards the forest. “Hopefully that keeps them busy.” Mikasa thought out loud. The dragon purred in what had to have been an agreement as it flew away from the scene.

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