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People already started showing up at Liv's house at 9:30. By the time 10:30 came around, the place was already packed. Not even everyone from East Highland had showed up yet, and she was still waiting on Fezco to come with his friends.

When Olivia got a call, she excused herself from the girls she was talking to and went into a corner. She covered her left ear in an attempt to block the music from being too loud to the point where she couldn't hear.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Yo. The security won't let us in." Fezco said, glancing at the security guard through his rolled down window.

"What?" Liv asked. She was having a difficult time hearing him, so she stepped outside on one of the many patios the house had. There was still a few people out there, but the music wasn't as loud.

"I said your fucking security guard won't let me and my boys through the gate." He said. Olivia rolled her eyes and let out a huff.

"I'll be right there." She said, a little annoyed since she would have to walk all the way down the driveway.

When Fezco told her the security won't let him and his boys through the gate, Liv thought that meant Fezco and a few of his friends in his car. When she walked outside, you can imagine her fucking surprise when she saw eight black cars behind Fezco, all of them honking aggressively at the security guard, Finnegan.

"What the fuck, Finnegan?" Olivia asked, ignoring the cars behind Fezco. She told herself that if she didn't look at them, they weren't there.

"Ms. Johnson, your parents pay me to keep you and your home safe. These hooligans-" Finnegan started. Olivia cut him off right away.

"I'm gonna stop you right there. Are you trying to get fired?" She asked him. She heard another honk from behind Fezco, which made Fez speak up.

"Look, we don't want no trouble. Just let us in and we'll be chill." Fezco said. Finnegan let out a huff.

"I'll give you fifty bucks to let them in and neither you or me have to tell my parents about this." Liv said, pulling a fifty dollar bill out of her pocket. She knew Finnegan wouldn't want her to bring this up to her parents. It would get him fired. Liv also didn't want to bring it up, obviously, because she didn't want her parents to know she was throwing a party.

Finnegan didn't say anything for a second, but took the money and opened up the gate. Fezco
rolled up his window after looking Olivia up and down.

When Liv partied, Fez almost never approved of her outfits. He didn't like when she showed skin. He just made a mental note to talk to her about it later.

Olivia watched car after car drive into the long driveway. She tried to see them, but each car was black with extra tinted windows. Even though they could see her, she couldn't see a thing.

It made her a little nervous. She started second guessing her decision of having a bunch of hardcore big drug dealer dudes she didn't even know at her house for a high school party, but it was too late to go back out now. Plus, she knew that if people from her school thought she actually knew these guys, they'd think so much more of her.

But still, she couldn't see them as they drove into the driveway. She didn't know if they were looking at her back or staring at the house.

"Are you sure about this, Ms. Jackson?" Finnegan asked, watching the cars with her. She looked over at him and lightly pat his arm. She was still pretty annoyed with him making assumptions about Fezco, but she was trying to be as friendly as she could be.

"Just do your job, Finnegan." She told him. She gave him a small petty smile before walking back up to her house, anticipating the party awaiting her.

When she got to the house and was finally inside, she saw some of the guys Fezco came with. The kids from her high school stared at them for a second, but the music seemed to get louder and everyone blended in.

"Hey, baby." Liv heard from next to her. She looked over and saw Jayson standing there, his hands making their way to her waist. He gripped onto the front of them as he made his way behind her, kissing her neck.

"Hi." She said, leaning into him. There were people watching them, admiration and envy present. She wanted them to seem like the perfect couple.

"Who are these guys?" He asked, his lips still pressed against her. She looked around, not really focusing on anyone but Jayson.

"A few guys I know." She said. Jayson stopped kissing her neck and looked down at her.

"You know these dudes?" He asked. Olivia remembered Fezco and started wondering where he was. She picked herself off of Jay and looked around, not seeing him anywhere. Once she looked out on one of the patio's, he was sitting down next to Rue. They looked like they were in a deep conversation.

I could feel Liv's stare on us. It wasn't like she was jealous or anything. I could tell. She was watching Fezco, staring at him with the eyes those types of girls give guys when they want someone to fuck them.

When I looked over at her, Fezco did to. I saw his eyes linger at Jayson, and that's when it clicked in me that they had a thing for each other.

"You and Jackson?" I asked him. He glanced back over at me and clenched his jaw, looking at the floor.

"Nah." He said. I knew he was lying. Him and Olivia always had this weird sexual tension thing. I just never said anything, which was probably a good thing. I didn't need to get into even more drama than what was coming my way.

I looked back over at Olivia and noticed she looked unhappy. So did Jayson, and she pushed him off of her and walked away. He let out what looked like an f-bomb and slammed into the wall behind him out of frustration.

"You should probably go talk to her." I told him. When I looked over, I saw he was watching her again. He let out a nod and stood up.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

Fez opened the sliding glass door and walked into the house, following the direction Olivia went. When he opened the door, the music got louder and quiet downed again. I looked over and saw a few of Fezco's guys smoking outside. I got up and walked towards them, knowing they'd have the good stuff Fez wouldn't give me.

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