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We sat down at the beach near the sea, Felix pulled me on his lap and put his hands on my belly. We just sat there and he is caressing my belly where u could already see a little pregnancy. I was so happy to be with such a caring person, i just love him so much. "I'm so happy that you and no one else is gonna be the Mother of my children. I love you so much, words can't even discribe." He kissed me right after he said that. We both smiled in the kiss. Then he suddenly turned me around so we where face to face and kissed me, he licked my bottom lip asking for acces, i nodded. He entered his tongue into my mouth and explored my mouth, then started a tongue fight for dominance which he of course won.

We then went back home cause it was getting late. When we came Home to my place, we saw our parents smilling at us and told us their conclusion. " We made the decision that you are moving in after we found a house and funished it. We want you to finish school but also take care of the child." my mom said smiling "Wow that's a great idea, i'm down." i said felix said "yeah me too" so we all just sat down and talked and had lots of fun.

After some hours felix and his Parents went back home after having dinner with us, i went upstairs and got ready for bed. I was about to go to sleep but then felix messaged me asking if i would come online and play a few rounds with him. How could i say no? ofc i'm gonna say Yes. So we played a few rounds and then suddenly there was another girl in the team so we just asked her who she is and were friendly. At first she was a cool person but then she started flirting with Felix "Uhm i have a Girlfriend sorry." "I don't believe you, show me ur Girlfriend" "I'm right here bro" "oh sorry bye" "that was just eww" " ikrr" we played a few rounds and then we both got tired so we went to bed.

The next Morning

Today Momo and i wanted to go to the mall so i got ready to meet her.

Today Momo and i wanted to go to the mall so i got ready to meet her

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Y/N's outfit

Momo's outfit

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Momo's outfit

We met at the bus stop and got in the bus to go to the mall. As soon as we came she run towards the Mall and i run after her while laughing. We went in different shops and then Momo stoped me to show me store with many stuff for babys and children in general. We got in and Momo immediatly found cute stuff she wants to put the kid in. I started laughing how addorible she was. "You know at first i was scared for the reaction of my Parents and Felixs Parents, but then they literally said that if we don't keep it, we aren't their children" "HAHHAHA I love ur Parents istg" momo laughed "but i agree to ur parents, i mean i'm gonna be an auntt!!!!" "aww ur so cute momo, i think you'll be a great aunt!" i said smilling, we just looked at some stuff and we actually found some cute stuff that we bought. We went to food stand and bought some food cause we were very hungry.



i hope you liked this chapter, even though its mostly abt momo and y/n. <3

I hope y'all are healthy and feeling good, and if you have a hard time just contact me<33

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