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Felix's POV |Next Morning

As i woke up my mom came in my room and said we would have to go to Korea for atleast a week because something with our Family there had happened. I was suprised but i decidednot to ask more Questions but i asked if i could take Y/n with us, my mom said sure so i called Y/n to tell her and ask her if she could be participating.

She agreed and we both started packing. Too bad that neither of us knew what would happen next. 

On the Flight|

"You ready babe?" "Yeah, just a little nervous" "It's okay" i said and let her head rest on my shoulder. 

While flying, nothing special happened, just the usual things just as, chair kicking Children and snoring passengers. 

By the time we landed, i was very tired cause i couldn't sleep very well. Other then that it was very full and the airport was comepletly filled since Seoul is a very busy city. But it still is beautiful, mostly at night.

We arrived at our House in Seoul, my parents were very wealthy, but wouldn't show it as much. We put our stuff in place and after dinner we directly went to sleep since we were very tired. 

The next Morning|

Y/n woke up before me and had already prepared breakfast with my Mom. I woke up a little later and joined them on Breakfast. 

Y/n and i went out to visit a few sights in Seoul, we ate tons of Streetfood and took a walk through many places just as the Han River and a few Forests, We had lots of fun. Afterwards we wanted to go to the mall and took a bus, as we got off the bus we had to cross the street, it was very busy and cars were constantly driving by. 

We waited until the street was less crowded and decided to walk over fastly, i was a little faster as Y/n since she was Pregnent, i didn't realize that she as still crossing the street and as i saw her almost succesfully crosing the street. A car drove too fast and couldn't stop without hitting Y/n . 

I couldn't do anything against it, i ran up to her and she was heavily bleeding, i wasn't only scared of her dying, but also our baby. I called the ambulance immediatly. 

They came as fast as they could. But could they save my Y/n?


402 words

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