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Y/n's POV

-Timeskip, 8pm-

Felix and i chilled after Minho and Han went Home, we cuddled on the Couch and watched a Movie, we watched Lupin, we really liked the Movie it was very entertaining.

After the Movie finished it was 9pm, we played a few Video games until got really tired and fell asleep on his Shoulder.

Felix's POV

I realized how Y/n fell asleep on my Shoulder, so i picked her up and put her on the Bed, i put the blanket on her and gave her a kiss on her Forehead. I then ate something and went Showering, after i showered i layed next to her and went to sleep.

The next Morning

I woke up while Y/n was still sleeping so i didn't move or make a noise so i wouldn't wake her up. After a few minutes she slowly woke up and looked at me "Good Morning love" "Good Morning" We got ready and ate Breakfast with my Parents.

We then wanted to go outside so i messagesed Chris asking if we could hang out, he said that he'll pick us up. We waited paitently and soon enough he arraived and we got in his car and we drove through some places like the Beach, or through the Woods,. We basicaly made a roudtrip through Sidney. When we came back it already was 10pm. Chris stayed for the Night cause it was really late.


240 Words

Hii, i hope y'all are doing good and are happy. <33

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