Chapter 4

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"We're going to have to retreat," Levi shouts to me as he fells another Titan. 

"What?" I snap, crossing the street to stand next to him and Gunther. I'm covered in blood - Titan and my own. There's a string of dead Titans in out wake, but there are still plenty more streaming into the city. We passed a number of soldiers but none of them were my friends. I keep looking for them periodically, I was nearly killed a couple of times because of it. Everywhere I looked there was chaos and death. It's really quite depressing. But we couldn't retreat now, I had to at least find Mikasa. 

"Are you arguing with my orders, brat?" 

I have to stop myself from glaring at him and instead plaster a false smile in my face. "No sir, just didn't quite hear you. What were your orders?" I make a show of giving him my undivided attention. 

He narrows his eyes at me. "I said, we're going to have to retreat," he growls, turning around and starting back for the wall. But why? Why retreat now? As if reading the question on my face Gunther explains, "We need to refuel." He gestures to the city and the Titans crawling through it. "And there's no point in continuing to risk our lives fighting Titans here until we fix the gate. They'll just keep coming in." He frowns at me then. "Are you hurt? You look pale."

 Yes, actually, I am hurt. And I've lost a lot of blood. But he doesn't need to know that. I blow the stray strand of hair out of my face. "No, Gunther," I say. "This is just my natural complexion." I smirk, "Is it not to your liking?" 

Gunther's eyes widen a fraction and he laughs. "Oh, I like you, newbie." We both activate our gear and start after the Captain. As we go he calls over his shoulder, "But you might want to learn to hold your tongue around Levi. It's for your own good, trust me." 

I laugh. "Duly noted." I chuckle to myself, as if Captain Tiny Tot scares me. 

Levi's Pov 

I glance over my shoulder. Gunther and that girl, (Y/N), aren't far behind. I slow a bit and watch as she uses of gear to move through the city, flying through the streets and over rooftops, (h/c) hair whipping behind her. She was good. Annoyingly good. Or maybe just annoying. Someone needed to knock that attitude out of her. I scowl and continue on, keeping an eye out for Eld and the others. There was no point in continuing to fight, not when more Titans could just come through the hole in the gate. We had just enough fuel left to make it to the wall, if we skirted past the Garrison base. There was no point in stopping there to refuel, it was probably all gone by this point, used up by the Garrison and the brats from the 104th. There would be more reinforcements at the wall. I look down at the bodies littering the street below. So much death. When would it stop? I check again to make sure Gunther and that brat from 104th are still alive. That brat had saved my life earlier. I'm still in shock over it. I hadn't even noticed the Titan lurking there, at the very least I would've lost an arm. But she had noticed, and pushed me out of the too. It was embarrassing. A little upstart like her saving me. She'd make a good Scout though. Erwin will be delighted when she turns up. That is, until she opens her mouth. I look over to her again, she was moving slower than before. She looks paler too, like she's in pain. She catches my looking and raises a brow at me, smirking. I give her a deadpan look and turn around again, only scowling when she couldn't see my face. My cheeks feel strangely warm. 

---------- Time Skip ---------

(Y/N)'s Pov 

We arrive at Wall Rose just as our fuel runs out. We land atop it and make our way over to where the supplies was being hauled up. I peek over to the other side of the wall, the evacuations seems to be going well at least. I look around, I don't see Mikasa or any of the 104th here. I bite my lip. They're ok, I tell myself. They'll be ok. I don't see any of the others from the Levi Squad here either. The wall is bustling with soldiers and medics. I look to Gunther, unsure of what to do. Now that I'm out of the city and not fighting for my life I realise just how exhausted I actually am. And dizzy. And thirsty. I need to get some water soon or I would pass out. Luckily, a medic spots us and hurries over, she hands us a flask of water each and, spotting the gash on Gunther's forehead, drags him away to clean him up. I watch them for a second, they're both blushing and Gunther's grinning like he's won the lottery. Cute couple. 

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