Chapter 30

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Y/N's Pov

I hate the smell of blood.

You think I would be used to it by now, but evidently not. I watch as the 2m Titan crumples to the ground, neck sliced open. I've lost count of how many I've killed by now, all that matters is keeping the horses safe.

I haven't seen Levi in while. I pause on a broken rooftop and squint into the distance. The Beast Titan is sitting cross-legged on the ground, watching as we fend off his attack. He hasn't done anything yet, or said anything. Not since he threw that boulder.

He turns his head a fraction and his eyes meet mine, a bolt shoots down my spine. No, that's not possible. He can't see me, my face, my identity, from all the way out there. I'm imagining it. But his head tilts to the side, and he smiles, exposing sharp teeth.

He doesn't need to say anything, I can read the message in his eyes, his body language. Looks like you survived after all... not for long.

I hear a soldier curse and I whirl around, broken out of frightened trance. Another 2m barrels towards the horses and I sigh. I launch into action, running along the rooftops and then leaping off. I sink my hook into the Titan's shoulder, and slash out its nape before it can even turn around.

I land on the nearest rooftop and watch as the blood dries up, disappearing from my blade. I'm moving almost on muscle memory at this stage. I look down at the newbies moving the horses, compared to them I'm a battle-hardened, seasoned veteran, even though I'm not much older than they are.

"Keep moving," I order them, as they stall to gape at the Titan. We don't have time for this, we have to protect the horses.

I look around. I can hear the sounds of mine and Hanji's squad battling Reiner. Blasts go off. The Thunder Spears. Does this mean that they've got Reiner? I hate that I can't see what's going on on the other side of the wall. It feels like I'm only looking out of one eye.

I spot Levi across the village, resting on a rooftop. He looks ok, thank god. But an eerie sensation trickles down my spine, a heavy sense of foreboding.

Then, an inhuman scream pierces the air. A cry like nothing I've heard before. I frown, turning to scan the horizon. But it's not coming from the Beast Titan, or any of the other Titans by his side. No, it's coming from over on the other side of the wall.

I share a look with Levi, despite the distance between us. I know that's a Titan scream. Is it Reiner? Or Eren? I don't know which is worse. What does it mean?

Out of the corner of my eye I see the Beast Titan move. He stands, and reaches for the barrel strapped to the quadruped's back. He winds his arm back, just like he did for the boulder.

Was that scream... a signal?

The Beast Titan hurls the barrel into the air. It soars over the wall, high and fast. Right to where my friends are. And I would bet anything that Bertholdt is in that barrel.

This is not good.

There's a crash behind me and I turn to see another 3m coming towards us. I have a couple of seconds before it gets here, and I assess the situation. There aren't many more of them left, the 2-3m Titans, we've almost got them all.

The Titan swings it lumbering hand at me and I jump back, then dart underneath its arm. It slams down its other arm, narrowly missing me. I shake my head, blowing out a breath. I can't let myself get distracted.

But I'm waiting for that explosion, for Bertholdt to transform. I'm sure it's him in that barrel.

I swing around the Titan's back, moving with it, and slash across its nape. I spot Levi and race towards him, he sees me and meets me halfway.

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