Chapter 9

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"Done!" I hand my report to Levi. He looks up from his own paper work and takes the file from me, eyeing it warily. I roll my eyes. "Relax, Captain, it won't infect you or anything."

He flicks through it, steel eyes skimming over the words. "You have awful handwriting," he says.

"Well that's uncalled for," I frown. And I always thought I had nice handwriting.

"This looks like it has been filled out by a toddler."

I sigh. "Has anyone ever told you that you are incredibly nitpicky."

"Has anyone ever told you that you are incredibly annoying," he counters.

"Yes, several times. But it's not my annoyingness that's the issue here."

"You're right," he says. Wait for it. "It's your piss-poor paperwork that's the issue in this particular case." There it is.

"Would you like me to re-do it then? Because honestly that is the best I can do."

He looks at the file like I just told him I'd dipped it in the toilet. "That cannot be true."

I don't even know what to say anymore so I just sit down in the chair and sigh. "I'm tired."

He frowns at me. "Who said you could sit down?"

"My legs, they were very adamant about it."

"Is everything a joke to you?"

"The majority of things, yes." I flash him a grin. "Life is too short to live with a stick up your ass."

"Tch," is all he says and starts jotting stuff down into my file.

I lean over the desk. "Are you actually fixing my paperwork?"

"I can hardly hand this up to Erwin."

"It is not that bad!" I protest.

He looks at me such incredulity that I almost laugh. I think this is the most he facial expression has ever changed. He shakes the paper at me. "Have you even seen this?"

"No actually," I say, sarcasm lacing my words. "I wrote it with eyes closed."

"That seems like a strong possibility," he says, frowning yet again at me oh-so terrible paperwork.

"Ugh, you're so dramatic."

"And you're so..." he waves his hands exasperatedly in the air. "There isn't even a word for what you are."

"Charming? Talented? Beautiful? Perfect in every conceivable way-"

"Just shut up," he sighs, rubbing his temples. "Why are you... in such a good mood all of a sudden?"

"The real question is why are you putting up with my good mood right now?" I should've received a month of cleaning his office and be kicked out by now. And this isn't like our normal kind of bickering either. We're being... civil towards each other. It's weird, why is it happening? It's probably just because I'm in a good mood because my friends are here, so he's usual Levi-ness isn't as annoying. Or maybe the cranky little dwarf is growing on me. Who knows. Stranger things have certainly happened. Levi scribbles something else down and doesn't say anything.

"I'm just happy to see my friends again," I finally say after a moment, looking out the window. Fluffy white clouds drift lazily past.


"Oh I'm sorry, am I not allowed to have friends now that I'm apart of your special squad?"

He snaps the file shut and hands it back to me. "Have as many friends as you want, (Y/N)." There's something cold in his voice now. "You're dismissed, and have a neater version of that mess on my desk by tomorrow afternoon."

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