Chapter 28

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Y/N's Pov

I don't like this plan but I know there's no other option. I stand on the walls of Orvud district with the rest of the Scouts. The Orvud garrison have manned the wall mounted cannons and are preparing to fire on the Titan as soon as it gets in range. 

The citizens of Orvud are gathered together in what they've been told is an evacuation drill. I hate using them as bait, but if we don't, if we evacuate them for real, then the civilian loss will be catastrophic. 

A giant cloud of smoke rises from the Titan, filling the sky. It's moving at impossible speed for something of its size. The land behind it is destroyed, a deep gouge in the landscape. This plan is a big gamble, even for Commander Erwin. 

If this doesn't work then we're so screwed. 

I hear someone shout fire and the cannons go off. Blasting loudly, the shots ringing clear in my ears. Black smoke surrounds the cannons. There are visible holes in the Titan now, but it doesn't slow, it doesn't falter. It doesn't make a bit of difference. 

"The field cannons are even less effective," Erwin notes. 

"Make sense," Levi replies. "The cannons on the wall have a way better angle, and they didn't do shit to it either. What's the problem?"

"Unprepared soldiers, scraped together cannons, and shallow leadership. The Titans have always attacked from the south. Not only is this a northern garrison but it's in the interior. Therefore, I can tell you for a fact that this is the best we're going to get."

"Yeah, that much is painfully clear," Levi says. 

"We're screwed," I mutter. 

"And of course you're strategy for getting us through this battle, comes down to a gamble. Just like every other plan that you've come up with-"


Everyone makes their way over to her. 

"All the gunpowder, ropes, and netting I could find," she says. Garrison soldiers carry said 'goodies' around, setting them up for the incoming battle. "We still need to put them together though. Ooo!" Hanji's expression lights up as they bring up another piece of equipment. "We got this too. There's another one just like it a bit further down. The trigger is held in place so once fired it'll wind itself right back up like ODM gear. So, we do any damage?"

Levi pulls a face and looks back at the Titan rapidly drawing closer. "Imagine a swarm of cicadas pissing on it."

"So then we'll actually use these things, exciting."

I start picking up the barrels and moving them into the pile, stacking them up on the netting. They're a bit heavy, put manageable. Mikasa helps me, and we work in tandem. Historia is tying up the ropes. We need to hurry though, the cannons aren't doing anything to the Titan and it's moving closer by the second, it'll be on top of us soon. 

"Captain Levi, Jean, Sasha, Connie, you handle that side," Erwin orders. 

I stack another barrel onto the pile when Hanji walks over, surveying our work. "Now, let's see, how should we approach this? Think of it like we're wrapping up a nice gift for someone special."

I push the barrels in closer together so that they don't fall. We need to be strategic in our placements of these, otherwise it'll just fall apart. The sound of cannon fire rings in my ears as the Garrison let loose another round. It doesn't do shit. 

I sigh and press my hand to my chest, feeling the comforting shape of Levi's ring beneath my shirt. Mikasa stacks another barrel next me. "You alright?" she asks. 

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