37. Whimper

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"Georgie, have you seen my—"

Delilah stopped. Never, in her life, has she gotten turned on so quickly.

George quickly spun around, Delilahs old Slytherin skirt that was around his waist spinning with him, and a tight, buttoned up, white long sleeved shirt around his torso, the first few buttons undone.

And if Delilah looked close enough, he had eyeliner on as well as a bit of lipgloss.

He smiled shyly, looking down at his outfit, "Whatcha think?"

Delilah gaped at him, his heart racing, "Wow. . ."

He looked back up at her, smirking as he did a small spin for her. "I know right, I'm pretty hot in this little thing."

"It looks better on you than me!" She exclaimed, scoffing as she approached him. "What the hell, George?"

She began turning him and examining him with her soft hands, making George's heart beat faster the more she touched him.

"Great, now you have to keep this," she huffed, standing up straight again to look at him.

He giggled, tucking some of her half up-half down hair behind her ear, "Don't worry, love, someday you'll look as good as me."

She slapped his chest, making him laugh at her before she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

She was silent, staring at him for a few moments before she said, "Well, now I have to fuck you."

Before George could even process what she had said, she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his lips to hers.

She pressed her front into him, making him groan as she pushed him back until he hit the wall. She began unbuttoning his shirt, trying to waste no time in kissing his warm chest, but he stopped her.

"Del, we don't have time, we have to pick up Ruby at three," he gasped, looking at his watch. "It's two fifty."

She groaned, dropping her head back dramatically then resting her forehead against his chest. She breathed heavily for a few seconds before standing up straight and beginning to button his shirt.

"You owe me when we get home," she said sternly, grabbing the back of his neck to kiss him quickly before leaving the room to get her coat.

She pressed her thighs together as she was putting her coat on, very disappointed in the time. As she was grabbing her wand from the kitchen counter, George came out with a coat on, but the same outfit.

"You're gonna wear that out?" She questioned, looking down at his muscular legs before biting her lip and squeezing her thighs together again.

He frowned, nodding as he looked down at his outfit, "You think I shouldn't?"

"No, no you look great, but it's a bit short," she mumbled, feeling a bit weird saying that.

George chuckled, "My my, how have the tables turned. . . You think my skirt is too short, Del?"

She walked up to him, grabbing the ends of it to pull it down a bit further. The skirt now rested a bit below his mid-thigh instead of the higher placement it had been at.

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