62. Infatuation

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George and Delilah had invited everyone over to their house a few weeks after their honeymoon.

They thought it was a good time to get together and reconnect with everyone one last time. Since everyone was starting their lives, getting engaged or married, and truly just moving apart, they wanted to see everyone before they got too busy with their lives.

And it was just perfect that Hermione needed a bigger place to announce her news. Delilah still didn't know what it was, but her immediate thought when she got the note was an engagement or pregnancy.

Either of which would be big news and also very exciting for the couple, considering they had been trying to buy a bigger place for the last few months. Delilah knew Hermione and Ron wanted to start a family sometime in the next few years, despite Harry and Ginnys request to wait.

They wanted their kids to be the same age, that way they could be best friends like Ron and Harry. But it was just too inconvenient for Harry and Gin.

With Ginny being busy with Quidditch, she didn't want to start a family until she had a few years of playing time on her record, which Harry supported non-stop. He knew she wanted a family with him, but their careers always came first for the both of them.

As Delilah walked through the aisles of a small party store, for decorations, she couldn't help but think about how all of her new friends are moving on. From the war, their teenage years, and overall just from their childhood. She surely was.

Now they were becoming full adults, with jobs and careers, families, and marriages. She knew this would be the start of more lonely days, just being her and George while everyone else grew their lives, but she didn't mind that at all.

She picked up a package of paper plates and napkins to match, a table cloth and some plastic utensils. She couldn't help but think of tonight as one of the last nights everyone would get together, because soon they would all be too busy to attend any sort of game night like this one.

They wouldn't have time to get drunk and party, because they would have kids to get home to and jobs the next morning that they can't call out on. She knew they would sometimes get together for dinner or lunch, but it wouldn't be the same.

As she watched her basket get a bit more full with chips and dips, Delilah walked closer to the register. She thought of Lee, knowing he was the only one who liked those pickle flavored chips, so she got a small bag for him. Maybe Zach liked them too, maybe Lee got him into them.

She knew Lee had been getting Zach out of his comfort zone recently, because Zach had been calling her ever since she got back from her honeymoon to tell her all about it. He sounded happier than he ever has been, and despite the skydiving and the swimming with sharks, Zach loved everything he did with Lee.

"It was a whole new experience," he had told her, gushing over how adventurous and dangerous Lee was. He told her about how much he made him laugh until he was out of breath on the floor, and the amount of things they have in common.

Based on the complete sincerity in his voice, Zach wasn't planning on a future where Lee wasn't in it. So it just got her thinking about them too, about how they were most likely to get married as well and maybe start a family. She just hoped they stayed living close by, so she could be the aunt to their children.

She brought her items to the register, checking out and putting all of her new groceries in her big, reusable bags. She always considered them to be easier since they are bigger than the plastic ones they supply her with. She smiled a goodbye at the women behind the till, who had complimented her marital ring, and left through the shops doors, stepping into the busy Diagon Alley.

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