36. Everything

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Delilah stirred awake the next morning, her head pounding and an unknown person curled up beside her.

She gasped, sitting up immediately and looking under the covers to make sure she wasn't naked. When she saw a shirt on her and her underwear still on her legs, she sighed a sigh of relief.

She looked over at the man that was stirring awake, and she let out another breath.

It was George. Just George.

She was thankful it hadn't been a stranger last night, and she was thankful to have a boyfriend like him.

He sat up in his spot, yawning as he rubbed his eyes harshly. He looked over at Delilah, smiling tiredly and saying, "Look at that, I didn't murder you."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Huh?"

He chuckled, shaking his head as pulled her into his side, "Nothing. . . How did you sleep?"

"My head is pounding, the room is spinning and I need to hurl," she groaned, crawling out of the bed and running towards the bathroom.

She heard George running behind her, and he sighed as he entered the bathroom. "I've got the Sobering Solution in here," he mumbled, opening the mirror above the sink.

Delilah sat on the floor with her back to the tub, smiling thankfully to George as he handed her the small vile. She gulped it all down, gagging slightly at the taste, but she sighed when the need to hurl and the headache and the tiredness all went away.

"Better?" He smirked, grabbing her hands and pulling her to her feet.

"Definitely," she huffed, throwing the empty bottle in the trash and going to brush her teeth.

"Good thing we have another bottle for Lee," George mumbled, grabbing the last Sobering Solution in their cabinet.

Delilah spit her toothpaste out and cleaned off her brush, "What did you just say?"

He looked at her fearfully in the mirror, "Uh. . . Good thing we have another for Lee?"

"Lee is here?" she put her toothbrush away, her heart racing. When George nodded, Delilah let out a long groan and muttered "fuck".

She ran out the door into the sitting room, George behind her, and she let out a long groan when she saw Fred standing in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.

Lee was sat at the table, a pair of Fred's pajama bottoms on his body as the only clothes he was wearing. His knee was bouncing up and down as he stared at the back of Fred's head, and when Delilah and George came into view, he shot his head to them.

He immediately stood up, going up to Delilah, "I'd like to leave."

She nodded, taking his hand, but before she could do anything, like get herself dressed or grab her wand to apparate them to Lee's home, George stopped them.

"Wait, Lee, why don't you have some breakfast? I have the Sobering Solution and since Fred's making food— you always love his food," he smiled.

"Don't bother," Fred huffed, "He hasn't talked to me at all since he came out here."

"You ruined my date," Lee rolled his eyes, not bothering to turn and look at Fred.

Fred dropped his spatula and turned around, his eyes dark and upset, "You were on a date with Zacharias Smith! I didn't ruin it, I saved you, he's a fucking git—"

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