The Liar's Punishment

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The mayor of Paris made a live broadcast to alert everyone of a new akuma. What was it? It, he meant who was they? The Collège Françoise Dupont or high school was surrounded by darkness. Almost as if it was covered by those butterflies Hawkmoth would send to a poor unfortunate soul to make their dreams come true after getting hurt over something as stupid as a measly crush.

More like nightmares with this recent akuma. Those rose vines were broken thanks to Kim. The students in the particular class now had to deal with flying eyeball bats and one-legged animals that dragged their heads along as if they wanted them to get out. There just wasn't any safe area.

The only light they had was their phones. No wifi, unfortunately. Just flashlights. And shining their phone lights to these creatures, well, there were some horrifying screams.

Lila seemed very pleased with the chaos. This could mean that there was no stopping this akuma and everyone that she lied to was now to follow her. "Come on, everyone! I can't do this on my own! Someone carry me out!" she said in the most distressed voice possible.

Kim made his way towards her, trying not to let fear get to him. He could go where Adrien could have gone. And he did not want that. He picked up the girl in a bridal way manner and held her close to him. "Where to?"

"Somewhere we can be safe, cutie," she replied and gave Kim a kiss on the cheek.

Kim blushed. He loved someone else. This one was friendly. He shrugged his shoulders and carried her out of the classroom, towards the main entrance of the school.

There was just enough light that they could see to guide them out of this horrible, haunted area.

But this akuma was not going to have it. She wasn't ever going to let any of them escape. She blocked the main entrance. "Who's next?"

Kim ran off with Lila in a different direction. Seeing Marinette like this was too much for him. He could feel how he was being stopped. As Kim was stopped by nothing, Lila was thrown to the side. She could have been severely injured. All she had were small cuts.

You're really going to help her? After what she did to me?!" she tilted her head once more. Her hand went to his neck and her eyes stared deep into his soul. "Don't tell me... are you scared?" she asked in a taunting manner.

He tried running away. Kim was screaming and thrashing around like a fish.

Her hands tightened around his neck.

A plastic grappling hook hit Miss ForgetMeNot. She took her horrifying gaze from Kim and placed it towards some superhero in the distance. Oh, wait. This superhero wasn't of any threat to her. Just KnightOwl. She rolled her eyes and blasted a black orb at the principal who had dodged it luckily and went to hide in his office. What a cowardly move to do if he was a hero.

She wasn't going to let her secret get out that she was Ladybug quite yet. Or the whereabouts of the great Miraculous guardian. She floated just above the ground, making her way towards Lila who sat on her knees and rubbed her head.

"I-I'm sorry Marinette. I want to become friends with you and you can sit with Adrien!" she clasped her hands together as if she was praying for her words to work.

She lightened up slightly, which made the darkness of black turn to a gray and the outside just inches away. "Friends?" she couldn't help, but laugh at that word. 

All Lila had done was to hurt her and damage her relationship with her crush and her friends. One sorry was not enough to make her become normal. One sorry wouldn't be enough to end her reign.

The darkness blasted into black again. And with the existing light, Lila was seen getting up and running away.

Now she wondered where Ladybug and Chat Noir was to stop this monster. This was getting out of hand. This akuma was stronger than she was and no negative emotion was powerful enough to stop her unless she could reach out to Hawkmoth.

"Running away, Lila? So disappointed." Miss ForgetMeNot said. She pulled Lila back to her so that she could look at the fear Lila had. She pushed her down so Lila was on her knees. "You will find out what it's like when lies get you ignored. When everyone is against you." she tapped Lila's head with one bony finger.

Lila was still present in this world, but the people that would surround her would give her the illusion that she was now alone. She was a nobody and that caused her to break down into tears. No longer could she see this villain, but the laughter of this villain rang out through her ears and that was something she would never be able to un-hear. But would that make Lila end her lying ways?

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