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Whoever these heroes were, they wanted her back to her sweet and kind self. Maybe she could depend on Chloe and hang out with her when this was all over? Maybe if this Wyvern and Cobra knew she was Ladybug, they'd reveal themselves to her.

She held her legs up to her chest and watched how Miss ForgetMeNot would stand there, waiting to destroy everything in her path.

One way or another, they would figure out that she was Ladybug. Always away when Ladybug was present and present when Ladybug wasn't even there. Always there to help.

She knew what she was doing was wrong. She would just wait to see who would be there. Maybe Adrien? She placed her hands on her head. Why would he? He was just like Lila. A liar. She never should have fallen in love with him. Everything just hurt so much. She placed her hands over her head to have a tear fall from her face.


"We can't get the akuma out so easily. I saw no place where there would contain an akuma." Queen Bee said as she had followed Vipierion who was far ahead.

Viperion and Ryuko looked at each other in worry. They would stop too. The Effiel Tower in their sights.

And the cat, he looked down. What had he done? This was something so regretful that he would never forget or forgive himself for letting this happen.

Queen Bee brainstormed some ideas. She thought about all of the love-themed akumas to the one where a robot was akumatized. If she had only paid attention to class instead of envying Marinette. She set a hand under her chin to think. "True love can break any evil spell..." she trailed off.

"I think Queen Bee is on to something. Sure, I haven't been here for a long time, but love does seem to get through." Ryuko set a hand on Q's shoulder. "Who do we need to look for to break her free of this akuma?"

"It used to be Adrien. That is until he started to date Lila."

Chat looked down. His best friend was talking about him as if he wasn't her best and first best friend. He knew what he had done wrong and this was starting to get to him. Marinette loved him. He should have seen the signs and all he did was take her stuttering and shy behavior as hate. "Maybe Luka.." he made sure to not have his voice break as he said that.

What pained Chat Noir the most was this entire situation. Sure he was still traumatized from the living nightmare, but that didn't mean guilt was dragging him down.

"Not just one person. If we all get together and show how much we care for her.." Q was quite unsure. She wished Ladybug was here. She was able to make a plan. Ladybug had her lucky charm and all would be good. "I think we should hold back from attacking her."

Ryuko nodded in agreement.

The four heroes took their separate ways.

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