Her hurt; Their care

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After the events of herself getting akumatized and the reveal of Ladybug to Hawkmoth and probably the heroes who saved her, she remained to be in a mess of emotions. Anger. Crying herself to sleep every night. ..

Marinette stood in her room and faced all the pictures she had of her friends. Were they really her friends? Wouldn't they just go for Lila again and cast her out like she was nothing again? She didn't want to get akumatized again.

And what she also knew was that Hawkmoth would target her since he knew of her identity.

What else made sense to her was the identity of Cobra. No wonder she trusted him so much. And now she wished he was here with her.

All she had was Tikki. And her parents.

Her parents had been so worried when Marinette got akumatized. They knew they couldn't do anything to stop her during that time.

Tom had been extremely upset with Adrien. If only he could give that boy a piece of his mind for hurting his daughter the way he had hurt her.

All they could do was support her and give her comfort when she needed it.

Marinette began to rip the pictures off her wall of all of her friends. Then threw them away as if they were nothing the way they treated her. She was still broken. One sorry would never be enough and yet, she knew she had to be forgiving.

Alya and Nino had just saved her butt back there, but she didn't know the whole story despite remembering everything. She sat on her bed with Tikki in her hands who was eating a cookie. "I'm sure Alya will do something big after what happened." with her big blue eyes, Tikki sighed softly. There wasn't anything she could do and she also knew there were going to options that would lead Marinette to a different outcome. Either to give up the Miraculous or to keep it even if Hawkmoth knew.

"I think I'll be keeping the Miraculous, Tikki." her chosen said quietly. "There's no one he can target. He won't target me ever again because I'm Marinette. I'm brave and strong." those words she had tried to say lasted through her mind. She needed to see Luka. All she wanted to do was cry in his arms and be in the comfort of him. At least through all of this, he understood.


Viperion had followed Marinette to her home. He wanted to make sure she got home safely. At least that's what he wanted.

Chat Noir followed as well even though he knew better. Marinette didn't like Cat Noir. He was just a mangy alley cat. But who cares? Because Marinette was his princess and he was her kitty.

"I don't think she'd like to see you, Chat," Viperion said as he stood at the girl's balcony. He knocked on her balcony door.

"I know." he looked at his clawed hands. Memories flashed through him of all of the nice times he had with Marinette before all of this happened. He was still petrified of Marinette's look as Miss ForgetMeNot. He felt a shiver run up his spine. "I've gotten her away from danger."

"She's an amazing girl. We both know that."

The balcony door opened, silencing both heroes.

"V-viperion? Cat Noir? What are you two doing here?" the bluenette asked. she had climbed out of her room and to her balcony.

"We wanted to check on you purr-incess." Chat replied.

With Marinette being Ladybug, she trusted her kitty. Of that month when she had been bullied and ridiculed, he never checked up on her like the partners they were. Yet, as Ladybug, there would be those times where she checked upon him and he never noticed.

Ladybug sat alone on the Eiffel Tower one night. The sky was clear and there was no one else in sight. Just the light of the tower to keep her company. Her face was stained with tears that had dried on her face. Those beautiful bluebell eyes looked up at the stars.

The stars were twinkling.

She wished for one thing. For her friends to understand that she needed them. She needed Chat Noir. Ladybug wanted to rest her head on his shoulder. She regretted pushing him away when Adrien did.

She was alone.

Tears swelled in her eyes again. She was shaking. She was trying so hard not to cry again after countless nights and nightmares of crying and the reality of being abandoned by her friends. Her so-called friends...

"Marinette?" someone called her name out.


She was brought back from reality by Viperion who had grabbed one of her hands gently.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently.

"Yup!" she tried to say.

"That was a dumb question for me to ask, but I can tell the melody in your heart is broken. It needs to be mended."

Chat growled softly. He was glad his growling wasn't audible enough for either of them to hear.

Her eyes widened. Her hand clutched his.

They would share a moment before Chat Noir interrupted them with clearing his throat.

"Sorry, Chat Noir," Marinette said with a blush and had rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

This time Viperion was the one who growled.

Chat Noir kind of just gave a proud look that he had gotten the bluenette's attention. "Did you miss me, purr-incess?" he pulled her close to him by holding her waist gently with his clawed hands.

"I thought you liked Ladybug.." she said in an uncomfortable manner. As much as she wanted to flirt back with him, she couldn't bring herself to trust him. Another thing, thus kitty cat reminded her of Adrien. She couldn't handle facing another heartbreak.

"Ladybug didn't show up," he said sadly. His fake cat ears lowered. His arms dropped to his side. "I should have been there for her." he whimpered. Then looked down into her eyes.

'He's just trying to make you feel guilty.' she thought. She didn't really know what to do.

Here, there were two heroes who had shown themselves upon her balcony.

She backed up. "Look, I'm fine." she looked around, avoiding both of their worried gazes. "Would you look at the time, maman and papa are calling for me! I have to go!" she reached for her balcony door.

"Wait!" Chat and Viperion said in unison.

"Don't go yet." the snake-themed hero said. He knew she wasn't alright. And he knew she was lying. Yet, he didn't want to push her too far. "I actually have to go. Goodbye Marinette." he opened his arms and gave her a small squeeze. "I'll see you tomorrow, princess." he turned around and left just Chat and Marinette there.

"Bye.." Marinette mumbled softly. She turned her head to look at the cat-themed superhero who was steaming with rage.

That nickname...it was his to call her.

He shook his head. Then grabbed both of her hands with his clawed hands. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not hearing your cries when Lila hurt you. I-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Chat. It's.." she paused for a moment and broke her eye contact with him. "Look, I'm not okay still. I just want to be alone please."

He gave her a saddened look. "B-but.." he sighed. "Will I be able to visit you tomorrow?" as much as he didn't want to let go of her hands, he did.


"I'm sorry again, Marinette." he climbed onto her balcony bars and gave her a signature wave and a wink. Then out of her sight within seconds.

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